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 MENUPD()    Pull-Down Menu with highlighted trigger letters

 Syntax....: MENUPD( @hOpt, @vOpt )
 Parameters: <expN>: @hopt = initial h option to highlight
             <expN>: @vopt = initial v option to highlight

 Returns...: <exp>:
 Cautions..: Assumes the presence of these PUBLIC arrays:
             <arrC>: PDM_HPROM = horizontal menu prompt text
             <arrN>: PDM_HCOLM = horizontal starting columns for prompts
             <arrC>: PDM_HTRIG = horizontal trigger letters
             <arrN>: PDM_HTPOS = horizontal trigger letter positions
             <arrN>: PDM_VSS1  = starting array subscript
             <arrN>: PDM_VSS2  = ending array subscript
             <arrC>: PDM_VPROM = vertical menu prompt text
             <arrC>: PDM_VTRIG = vertical trigger letters
             <arrN>: PDM_VCOLM = vertical starting columns for v prompts
             <arrN>: PDM_VTPOS = vertical trigger letter positions
             <arrL>: PDM_VACTV = vertical active status array
             <arrC>: PDM_COLOR = PDM color strings for SET COLOR TO
                                   [ 1] hcolor when not selected
                                   [ 2] hcolor for unselected trigger
                                   [ 3] hcolor for selected option
                                   [ 4] hcolor for selected trigger
                                   [ 5] vcolor for box
                                   [ 6] vcolor when not selected
                                   [ 7] vcolor for unselected trigger
                                   [ 8] vcolor for selected trigger
                                   [ 9] vcolor for selected option
                                   [10] vcolor for inactive option
                                   [11] vcolor for message row
             <arrC>: PDM_VMSSG = vertical message help text
             <arrX>: PDM_CONFG = PDM configuration
                                   [1] = expN: box type: 0,1,2
                                   [2] = expN: row for horiz menu
                                   [3] = expN: row for box top
                                   [4] = expN: message row
                                   [5] = expN: time out
                                   [6] = expC: color for init bottom panel
                                   [7] = expC: color for init screen
                                   [8] = expN: char for init screen
                                   [9] = expC: text for init bottom panel
 CC Calls..: PDM_INIT() Initialize remaining optional PDM PUBLIC arrays
             MENUPDV()  Vertical menu function
 Alias.....: none

 Example...: see PDM (Pull-Down Menu Development System) documentation


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