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X-Hacker.org- Zortech C++ Language Reference - streams: class filebuf
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Streams: class filebuf
The filebuf class is also defined in stream.hpp. It has its own
constructors, and redefines the virtual functions overflow and
underflow, since in this case it is possible to do something useful in
each of these cases: either fill the buffer from the file or empty it
to a file.
class filebuf : public streambuf
int fd;
int opened;
// Functions for buffer full and empty respectively
int overflow(int c);
int underflow();
// File manipulations
filebuf* open(char *,open_mode);
int close();
// Constructors
{ fp = 0; opened = 0; }
filebuf(int d)
{ fd = d; fp = 0; opened = 1; }
filebuf(FILE* p)
{ fp = p; opened = 1; }
filebuf(int d, char *buf, int buflen)
: (buf,buflen)
{ fd = d; fp = 0; opened = 1; }
// Destructor
~filebuf() { close(); }
Like many derived classes, the implementation of class filebuf is
quite simple. We have already discussed underflow and overflow. The
function filebuf::open opens as existing file or creates a new one in
a required mode. It returns NULL if it fails, otherwise a pointer to
itself. The complimentary function filebuf::close closes the file. It
returns zero if successful, or -1 if there is an error. Note that if
the filebuf is a layer over stdio, close will return zero. It is not
regarded as part of the function of a filestream to close stdio
There are four constructors. The first takes no arguments and creates
a null filebuf. Of course, filebuf::open will need to be called to
initialize it.
The second constructor takes an integer file descriptor as argument. A
filebuf is created dynamically, and when that is subsequently used,
its streambuf part will attempt to allocate a 1024 byte buffer.
Subsequent calls to open will be silently ignored.
Constructor three is the one used to associate the stdio streams with
ostreams. The sequence is as follows:
filebuf cout_file(stdout);
ostream cout(&cout_file);
filebuf cerr_file(stderr);
ostream cerr(&cerr_file);
filebuf cprn_file(stdprn);
ostream cprn(&cprn_file);
filebuf caux_file(stdaux);
ostream caux(&caux_file);
A final constructor allows file descriptor, buffer, and buffer length
to be specified.
The implementation of the filebuf destructor just flushes any
remaining contents of the buffer to the file, then closes it. The
declaration of the destructor in streambuf as virtual means that it is
possible to use a sequence like:
streambuf *sbp = getbuffer();
// getbuffer might decide to
// return a streambuf or a
// filebuf.
ostream os(sbp);
delete sbp;
The deletion of the buffer would cause appropriate steps to be taken,
such as closing the file. regardless of what type it turned out to be.
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