Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Warplink version 2.6 - <b>/on:<filename> overlay name</b>
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/on:<filename> Overlay name
Name is the name of the overlay file.
The /on option allows you to change the name of the overlay file created
by WarpLink. By default, the overlay file will be the same name as the
executable .EXE file with the .OVL extension. This option allows you
to have an overlay file with a different name than your .EXE file name.
Name can be modified after linking with the WarpMod utility, as
described in Chapter 8, WarpMod Utility. If you rename a program's
overlay file without using the /on WarpLink option or WarpMod's ON
option, the overlay manager will not be able to find the overlay file and
will terminate in error. You should not rename the overlay file at the
DOS prompt without using WarpMod to change the overlay file name
----------------------------------[ Example ]------------------------------------
warplink / /op:40 obj1+ (obj2+obj3)+ovlmgr.obj,,,lib1
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