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            0 . HM status bit in status register ST1
            Affects HM.

DESCRIPTION The RHM instruction resets the HM status bit to logic zero.
            In this mode, the TMS320C2x is not halted during the assertion
            of HOLD when executing from on-chip program memory (either
            RAM or ROM), but instead places its external buses in the
            high-impedance state and continues execution until an external
            access must be made. External access can mean (in addition to
            the normal connotation) the follwing conditions:
                  MP/MC       CNF               PC
                    0          0          PC 4096
                    0          1          4096 . PC . 65279
                    1          0          Any PC value (normal TMS32020-
                                           type hold mode)
                    1          1          PC . 65279

            HM can also be loaded by the LST1 and SHM instructions.

WORDS       1

ENCODING    15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
            |1  1  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  0 |


            |     Cycle Timings for a Single Instruction    |
            | PI/DI | PI/DE | PE/DI | PE/DE | PR/DI | PR/DE |
      'C25  |   1   |   1   |  1+p  |  1+p  |   1   |   1   |
            |     Cycle Timings for a Repeat Instruction    |
      'C25  |   n   |   n   |  n+p  |  n+p  |   n   |   n   |

EXAMPLE     RHM               HM is reset, implementing the TMS320C25 hold
                              mode for on-chip program execution.

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