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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Telix/SALT v3.15 & RS-232, Hayes - Norton Guide [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]


 To start downloading (receiving) a file from a remote host,
 you must usually inform the remote host of the files that you
 want it to send to you. You must then start the download on
 the Telix side. Pressing the PgDn or Alt-R key will display a
 menu asking which file transfer protocol you would like to use:

                     +-| Download file --+
                     |                   |
                     |  Which Protocol?  |
                     |                   |
                     |  ASCII            |
                     |  CIS Quick B      |
                     |  Kermit           |
                     |  Modem7           |
                     |  SEAlink          |
                     |  Telink           |
                     |  Xmodem           |
                     |  1k-Xmodem        |
                     |  G-1k-Xmodem      |
                     |  Ymodem (Batch)   |
                     |  YmodEm-g         |
                     |  Zmodem           |
                     |  Quit             |
                     |                   |

 If any external protocols are defined, they are also shown as
 part of the menu.

 Select the protocol by either the key that is highlighted for
 each protocol (for example, "X" for Xmodem) or using the up and
 down arrow keys to highligh the protocol you want and pressing Enter.

 Note that you can define the default protocol (the one highlighted
 when the menu appears) in the dialing directory.

 If you have selected Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, or ASCII,
 as the protocol, Telix will ask you for the filename to save
 the file to. Telix always watches what you type while online,
 and will often know the name of the file you want to transfer,
 in which case this name will be displayed and all you have to
 do to accept it is press Return. Any legal DOS filename is
 valid, including a path. If the filename you supply already
 exists, Telix will ask you to confirm your choice or give an-
 other filename. If you select any other protocol, the remote
 sender of the file will supply the name to save the file to.
 If you have entered a download directory name in the
 Configuration Menu, Telix will automatically save download
 files there if you don't specify another path. Telix has auto-
 matic incoming file protection. If the name is supplied by the
 host and exists already the file is renamed by using numerals
 in the extension, as needed.

 During the transfer, a full status window is displayed showing
 the elapsed time, the number of bytes received, and an approx-
 imate Character Per Second rating, which can give an idea of
 the effective speed of the transfer. Batch protocols will also
 display the expected file size and file transfer time. For
 ASCII transfers, a status window is not displayed, only a sin-
 gle status line at the top of the screen. To abort a file
 transfer at any time press the Escape key.

See Also: uploading the display using telix menus

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