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X-Hacker.org- Telix/SALT v3.15 & RS-232, Hayes - Norton Guide
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Telix supports a large number of built in file transfer proto-
cols. To this can be added external protocols. It can get con-
fusing to decide which one to use. When both sides of the con-
nection only support one protocol, then obviously that is the
one to use, no matter what its deficiencies. Otherwise some
protocols are a better choice than others. On Compuserve, CIS
Quick B should be used. For most purposes, Zmodem is the best
all around protocol. It is very fast and very reliable. Ymo-
dem-g and Xmodem-1k-g are slightly faster. However these two
protocols need an error-free link. After that, Ymodem,
SEAlink, and Xmodem-1k are quite fast and pretty reliable. The
last choice would be Xmodem and its close cousins Telink and
Modem7. ASCII transfers are suitable only for text files and
do not perform any error detection or correction, so they are
to be avoided if possible.
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