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  What does SUBINDEX do?:

  The SUBINDEX command is used to create sub-indexes.  Sub-indexes are
  indexes that are built based upon another index, usually a conditional
  index.  Instead of plowing through the entire database, a sub-index
  includes only the records that are contained in the index upon which it
  is based.  This adds up to substantial time savings when all you want is
  to re-arrange the records in a conditional index.

    NOTE: Sub-indexes do NOT inherit the condition from the original index.

  A similar effect can be had when using the USECURRENT keyword with the
  SORT command.  When used in this way only the records that are contained
  in the current index are included in the sorted file.

  For example, if you had an exiting conditional index (FOR STATE == "CA")
  ordered by customer name (LAST), and you wanted to reorder it by CITY,
  building a sub-index would be quicker than building a whole new conditional

   // If you had a database opened with the conditional CA_NAMES index active
   INDEX ON last TO ca_names FOR state=="CA"

   // This would be slower...
   INDEX ON city TO ca_cities FOR state=="CA"

   // Than this...
   SUBINDEX ON city TO ca_cities FOR state=="CA"


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