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  In addition to the box-drawing characters, two series of characters are
  designed for graphs and block drawings. (See Figure C-7.) One series
  consists of four characters that fill the entire character box but are
  shaded in different densities (that is, some of the character's dots are
  on, or set to the foreground color, and the remaining dots are off, or set
  to the background color). The other series consists of four block
  characters that provide a solid color covering half the character box. The
  solid character, ASCII DBH (decimal 219), is also used with these

  |      ASCII 176   #     |      ASCII 220   #     |
  |                        |                        |
  |      ASCII 177   #     |      ASCII 221   #     |
  |                        |                        |
  |      ASCHI 178   #     |      ASCII 222   #     |
  |                        |                        |
  |      ASCII 219   #     |      ASCII 223   #     |

  Figure C-7.  The two sets of graph and block characters.

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