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   [  Memory issues  ]

   NGX lets you take advantage of the fact that most NG databases do not
   use the memory 'allowed'. Only few database files have menus larger than
   1 kb (max. is approx. 5 kb). Statistics show that 93% of the 'long' en-
   tries are less than 2 kb in size; 99.6% are less than 13 kb (max. is 17
   kb). Similarly, most list structures are less than 13 kb.

   Unless you have nothing better to do with your RAM, it makes good sense
   to experiment with the .ini file to bring down memory consumption, and
   it is safe to do so: NGX will read as many menus as the menu buffer can
   hold, and you'll get a message if a list or long entry is larger than
   the entry buffer.

   Below is NGX's

   Memory map (approx. figures)

                                  - bytes (decimal) -
                                Default  Min.     Max.
   a) PSP                         256      256      256
   b) resident code
      and initialized data      11384    11384    11384
   c) uninitialized data          640      640      640
   d) NG header                   378      378      378
   e) MenusSize                  1536      384     5030
   f) file entry header            26       26       26
   g) BufferSize                17440     8192    18816
   h) stack                       256      256      256
   i) window buffer              8340        0    14580
                                -----    -----    -----
   Total memory (TSR)           40256    21516    51366  (39.3k  21.0k  50.2k)
   Adjust to para boundary    + 00-32 bytes          32

   j) transient stack             256      256      256
   Required to run                                51654  (50.5k)

   k) transient code
      and initialized data       4168     4168     4168

   Notes: e), g), and i) can be adjusted in the .ini file
          c) DTA, back-step, menu control, queue & search info
          g) starts on next 16-byte boundary
          h) since stack is just above buffer, increase BufferSize
             in case you suspect the (amply-sized) stack is too small
          i) starts on next 16-byte boundary
             default: 43 window rows * 80 * 2 + NGX windows (1460)
             min. 12 rows, max. 82 rows
             (zero bytes if WindowBufferSegm defined)
          NGX.COM size = b) + k)

See Also: MenusSize BufferSize MaxWindowRows WindowBufferSegm NGX().COM

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson