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    Syntax - FC [/B] [/C] [/W] [/number] pathname1 pathname2
             [>target pathname]

    DOS 2.11

    (External) Compares the contents of the two files specified by pathname1
    and pathname2. FC sends the output to the screen or to the file specified
    by target pathname.

            /B      forces a binary comparison of the files.

            /C      interprets all letters in the files as UPPERCASE.
                    Do NOT use with /B.

            /W      compresses tabs and spaces.  Do NOT use with /B.

            /number specifies the number of lines (1-9) that must match for
                    the file to be considered as matching again after FC has
                    found an error.  The default is 3 lines.  Do NOT use
                    with /B.

            fc /b this1.txt  this2.txt  >  this3.txt

    Syntax - FC [/A] [/B] [/C] [/L] [/LBn] [/N] [/T] [/W] [/number] pathname1
             pathname2 [>target pathname]

    DOS 3.2

    (External) See above 2.11 for a brief description of FC.

            NOTE:   /B  /C  /W  /number are the same as for 2.11 (see above).

            /A      abbreviates the output of an ASCII comparison.  This
                    option displays only the first and last lines in each
                    block of different lines.

            /L      compares the files in ASCII mode.  This is the default
                    when comparing all files except .BIN, .COM, .EXE, .LIB,
                    .OBJ, or .SYS files.

            /LBn    sets the internal line buffer to n lines.  The default is
                    100 lines.

            /N      displays the line numbers in an ASCII comparison.

            /T      does NOT expand tabs to spaces.  The default is to treat
                    tabs as eight spaces.

            fc /n this1.txt this2.txt > this3.txt
            fc \this\work\first.txt \this\back\first.txt

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