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 APPEND                         Sets a data file path
 ASSIGN                         Reassigns drive names
 ATTRIB                         Sets or displays file attributes
 BACKUP                         Copies disk files to floppy disk
 CHKDSK                         Checks disks for flaws and available space
 COPYDOS                        Copy system files to application diskettes
 DISKCOMP                       Compares two diskettes
 DISKCOPY                       Makes exact duplicates of floppy diskettes
 DISKTYPE                       Determines format of non-standard diskettes
 EXE2BIN                        Converts .exe files to binary format
 FC                             Compares contents of two files
 FDISK                          Partitions a hard disk
 FIND                           Searches for specified text
 FORMAT                         Prepares disks for system use
 GRAPHICS                       Copies screen graphics to printer
 HFORMAT                        Prepares a hard disk for system use
 HSECT                          Formats hard sectors on a hard disk
 JOIN                           Joins a disk drive to a pathname
 KEYTXX                         Replaces the current keyboard program
 LABEL                          Modifies a volume label
 LF                             Suppresses a line feed after carriage return
 LPSETUP                        Enables a printer filter allowing pagination
 MLFORMAT                       Formats a hard disk partition
 MLPART                         Creates a hard disk partition
 MODE                           Sets video, printer and comm. paramaters
 MORE                           Stops screen scroll - awaits key press
 PATCH                          Modifies a disk file
 PRINT                          Background printing of up to 10 files
 RECOVER                        Recovers bad sectors on a disk
 REPLACE                        Updates previous versions of a file
 RESTORE                        Copies files from diskette to hard disk
 SELECT                         Changes the current country code
 SHARE                          Installs file sharing and locking
 SHIPTRAK                       Parks hard disk heads
 SORT                           Sorts input from keyboard or a file
 SPOOLER                        Sends commands to the printer spooler
 SUBST                          Substitutes a vdisk drive name for a pathname
 SYS                            Transfers system files to disk
 TREE                           Displays all disk directories and files
 XCOPY                          Copies files and directories

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