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X-Hacker.org- Microsoft C - <b>near near -- non-standard type modifier</b>
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near near -- Non-Standard Type Modifier
A near data item (or function) resides in the default data (or
current code) segment. Its address is 16 bits long.
Notes: Depending on the model specified at compile-time,
sizeof(char near *) may or may not be the same as
sizeof(char *).
Variables declared with class auto are always near, since
they reside on the run-time stack.
The default memory model is defined by the compile-time
switch /A.
-------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
int near value;
double near table[100];
char near *fpc;
char near **fppc;
char near * near *fpfpc;
long int near * near check(char near, int, int near);
int (near *funptr)();
i = sizeof(char near *);
See Also: far huge Switches
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