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                        Compiler and Linker Switches

    The behavior of the compiler MSC and the linker MS-LINK are defined
    by one or more command-line arguments (or switches) that have the
    general form /XXX, where XXX is a string of one or more letters and
    digits. The compiler switches can be broken into seven functional

                Memory Models
                Code Generation

    In addition, the Linker has two switches of its own.

       Note:    The case of the compiler options is significant: if there
                were a switch /UPPER, for example, it would not be
                properly recognized if you typed /upper.

                /HELP (and /help) is a special switch: it causes a
                summary of the command-line switches to be displayed on
                the console.

  -------------------------- Memory Model Switches --------------------------

         /Am    where m is one of S, C, M, L or H to represent the small,
                compact, medium, large and huge models, respectively.

  ---------------------- Code Generation Switches --------------------------

         /Gn    where n 0, 1 or 2 to represent 8086, 80186 or 80286
                instructions, respectively.

         /Gc    Generate MS-Pascal and MS-Fortran style function calls.

         /Gs    Disable stack probe checking. This affects the #pragma

      /Gt[n]    Use with compact, large and huge memory models to create
                new data segments based on the object size n. If n is
                omitted it defaults to 256.

  ------------------------- Preprocessor Switches---------------------------

          /C    Don't remove comments from the source file.

                Define a macro name with a value (no arguments).

          /E    Preprocess the source to stdout.

         /EP    Combines /E and /P but no #line directives are written

      /Ipath    Specify a header #include path.

          /P    Preprocess the source to a file of the same name with
                type .I.

      /Uname    Remove a predefined macro definition.

          /u    Remove all predefined macro definitions.

          /X    Do not search the standard places when looking for

  ------------------------ Floating Point Switches -------------------------

        /FPi    Generate inline code and use the Floating Point emulator

        /FPc    Generate calls and use the FP emulator.

      /FPc87    Generate calls and use the 8087 library.

      /FPi87    Generate inline code and use the 8087.

        /FPa    Generate calls and use the alternate math library.

  -------------------------- Optimizer Switches ----------------------------

         /Oa    Relax alias checking.

         /Od    Disable optimization.

         /Os    Optimize for code size.

         /Ot    Optimize for execution speed.

         /Ox    Maximize optimization. (Equivalent to using /Oas /Gs)

  ----------------------------- File Switches ------------------------------

                Specify the name of the assembly listing file. The file
                type defaults to .ASM.

                Specify the name of the object/source listing file. The
                file type defaults to .COD.

                Specify the name of the executable file. The file type
                defaults to .EXE.

                Specify the name of the object listing file. The file
                type defaults to .COD.

                Specify the name of the executable file. The file type
                defaults to .EXE.

                Names the object file to be created by the compiler. The
                default file type is .OBJ.

                Names the source listing file. The default file type is

  --------------------------- Language Switches ----------------------------

         /Za    Disable recognition of MS-C keywords near, far, huge,
                cdecl, fortran and pascal. Defines the macro NO_EXT_KEYS.

         /Zd    Place line number records in the object file for use by

         /Ze    Enable recognition of MS-C keywords near, far, huge,
                cdecl, fortran and pascal. This is the default.

         /Zg    Build a function call prototype from each function
                definition in the source file. The output is written to

         /Zi    Generate debugging information in the object file for

         /Zl    Suppresses the selection of the default libraries.

         /Zs    Perform a syntax check only; do not generate object code.

         /Zp    Align structures on byte (instead of word) boundaries.

  ------------------------ Miscellaneous Switches --------------------------

          /c    Compile only--do not invoke MS-LINK.

         /Hn    Set length of significance of external names to n. The
                default is 31 characters.

          /J    Set the default char type to be unsigned. The default is

    /V"text"    Imbed the text string in the object file.

         /Wn    Set the warning level to n (warnings indicate potential
                problems, rather than actual errors):

                 n =          Warn About

                  0      Nothing (suppress all warnings)
                  1      Unsafe conversions and overt type mismatches
                  2      Automatic data conversions and missing returns
                         in functions
                  3      Currently equivalent to /W2

                The default is level 1.

          /w    A shorthand method of specifying /W0.

  --------------------------- Linker Switches ------------------------------

/NOIGNORECASE   Treats the casing of external names as significant.

    /STACK:n    Set the run-time stack size size to n bytes. (The run-
                time stack is used heavily by auto variables.)  EXEMOD
                can also be used to change a program's stack size.

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