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   Integrated Development Library                                $199.00
   Version 2.1
   Integrated Development Corporation

   IDL(2) spans the spectrum of Clipper programming. Nearly 500         
   finely-tuned, low-level, workhorse functions written in C and        
   Assembly support exciting, high-level features like a drop-in        
   SAA/CUA-compliant menu system, a working push-button calculator, a   
   complete help system, a full EGA/VGA palette access window, and much 
   more. IDL(2) includes user-defined classes, so you can embrace the   
   newest Clipper technology: object-oriented programming. The class    
   library in IDL(2) makes the low- and high-level features easy to     
   learn and use. And you can access IDL(2) from any level for maximum  
   control and flexibility in one package! 45 day money-back guarantee. 


   Available in English.

   Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0

   Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  May, 1991

   Contact Vendor for source code availability.


   Product Categories : . Development Utility
                        . General Purpose Library
                        . Object-Oriented Programming

See Also: Integrated Development

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson