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HLT             Halt the Processor                   Flags: Not altered

HLT                                                  Priv

    HLT stops the execution of all instructions and places the CPU in
    a HALT state. An enabled interrupt, a non-maskable interrupt, or
    a reset will resume execution.

    If an interrupt (including NMI) is used to resume after HLT, the
    saved CS:eIP value points to the instruction following HLT.

    A HLT would normally be the last instruction in a sequence that
    shuts down the system, i.e. for a checkpoint after a power failure
    is detected.

    In protected mode, HLT is a privileged instruction.

    Opcode      Format
    F4          HLT

    Length and timing
    Operands    Bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    -            1       2       2       2       5       4       4   NP


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