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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Harbour Version 0.37 (c) reference Guid - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 AADD()               Dynamically add an element to an array
 ABS()                Return the absolute value of a number.
 ACHOICE()            Allows selection of an element from an array
 ACLONE()             Duplicate a  multidimensional array
 ACOPY()              Copy elements from one array to another
 ADEL()               Delete an element form an array.
 ADIR()               Fill pre-defined arrays with file/directory information
 AEVAL()              Evaluated the subscript element of an array
 AFIELDS()            Fills referenced arrays with database field information
 AFILL()              Fill an array with a specified value
 AINS()               Insert a NIL value at an array subscript position.
 ALERT()              Display a dialog box with a message
 ALIAS()              Returns the alias name of a work area
 ALLTRIM()            Removes leading and trailing blank spaces from a string
 ARRAY()              Create an uninitialized array of specified length
 ASC()                Returns the ASCII value of a character
 ASCAN()              Scan array elements for a specified condition
 ASIZE()              Adjust the size of an array
 ASORT()              Sort an array
 AT()                 Locates the position of a substring in a main string.
 ATAIL()              Returns the rightmost element of an array
 BIN2I()              Convert signed short encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
 BIN2L()              Convert signed long encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
 BIN2U()              Convert unsigned long encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
 BIN2W()              Convert unsigned short encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
 BOF()                Test for the beggining-of-file condition
 BREAK()              Exits from a BEGIN SEQUENCE block
 BROWSE()             Browse a database file
 CDOW()               Converts a date to the day of week
 CHR()                Converts an ASCII value to it character value
 CLIPINIT()           Initialize various Harbour sub-systems
 CMONTH()             Return the name of the month.
 COL()                Returns the current screen column position
 CTOD()               Converts a character string to a date expression
 CURDIR()             Returns the current OS directory name.
 DATE()               Return the Current OS Date
 DAY()                Return the numeric day of the month.
 DAYS()               Convert elapsed seconds into days
 DBAPPEND()           Appends a new record to a database file.
 DBCLEARFILTER()      Clears the current filter condiction in a work area
 DBCLOSEALL()         Close all open files in all work areas.
 DBCLOSEAREA()        Close a database file in a work area.
 DBCOMMIT()           Updates all index and database buffers for a given workarea
 DBCOMMITALL()        Flushes the memory buffer and performs a hard-disk write
 DBCREATE()           Creates an empty database from a array.
 DBDELETE()           Marks records for deletion in a database.
 DBEDIT()*            Browse records in a table
 DBEVAL()             Performs a code block operation on the current Database
 DBF()                Alias name of a work area
 DBFILTER()           Return the filter expression in a work area
 DBGOBOTTOM()         Moves the record pointer to the bottom of the database.
 DBGOTO()             Position the record pointer to a specific location.
 DBGOTOP()            Moves the record pointer to the bottom of the database.
 DBRECALL()           Recalls a record previousy marked for deletion.
 DBRLOCK()            This function locks the record basedon identify
 DBRLOCKLIST()        This function return a list of records in the database work area
 DBRUNLOCK()          Unlocks a record base on its indentifier
 DBSEEK()             Searches for a value based on an active index.
 DBSELECTAREA()       Change to another work area
 DBSETDRIVER()        Establishes the name of replaceable daabas driver for a selected work area
 DBSETFILTER()        Establishes a filter condition for a work area.
 DBSKIP()             Moves the record pointer in the selected work area.
 DBSTRUCT()           Creates a multidimensional array of a database structure.
 DBUNLOCK()           Unlock a record or release a file lock
 DBUNLOCKALL()        Unlocks all records and releases all file locks in all work areas.
 DBUSEAREA()          Opens a work area and uses a database file.
 DELETED()            Tests the record's deletion flag.
 DESCEND()            Inverts an expression of string, logical, date or numeric type.
 DEVOUTPICT()         Displays a value to a device using a picture template
 DIRCHANGE()          Changes the directory
 DIRREMOVE()          Attempt to remove an directory
 DISKSPACE()          Get the amount of space available on a disk
 DO()                 Calls a procedure or a function
 DOW()                Value for the day of week.
 DTOC()               Date to character conversion
 DTOS()               Date to string conversion
 ELAPTIME()           Calculates elapted time.
 EMPTY()              Checks if the passed argument is empty.
 EOF()                Test for end-of-file condition.
 ERRORSYS()           Install default error handler
 EVAL()               Evaluate a code block
 EXP()                Calculates the value of e raised to the passed power.
 FCLOSE()             Closes an open file
 FCOUNT()             Counts the number of fields in an active database.
 FCREATE()            Creates a file.
 FERASE()             Erase a file from disk
 FERROR()             Reports the error status of low-level file functions
 FIELDBLOCK()         Return a code block that sets/gets a value for a given field
 FIELDGET()           Obtains the value  of a specified field
 FIELDNAME()          Return the name of a field at a numeric field location.
 FIELDPOS()           Return the ordinal position of a field.
 FIELDPUT()           Set the value of a field variable
 FIELDWBLOCK()        Return a sets/gets code block for field in a given work area
 FILE()               Tests for the existence of file(s)
 FLOCK()              Locks a file
 FOPEN()              Open a file.
 FOUND()              Determine the success of a previous search operation.
 FREAD()              Reads a specified number of bytes from a file.
 FREADSTR()           Reads a string from a file.
 FRENAME()            Renames a file
 FSEEK()              Positions the file pointer in a file.
 FWRITE()             Writes characters to a file.
 GETENV()             Obtains system environmental settings.
 HARDCR()             Replace all soft carriage returns with hard carriages returns.
 HB_ANSITOOEM()       Convert a windows Character to a Dos based character
 HB_DISKSPACE()       Get the amount of space available on a disk
 HB_FEOF()            Check for end-of-file.
 HB_KEYPUT()          Put an inkey code to the keyboard buffer.
 HB_LANGNAME()        Return the Name of the Current Language module in USE
 HB_LANGSELECT()      Select a specific nation message module
 HB_OEMTOANSI()       Convert a DOS(OEM) Character to a WINDOWS (ANSI) based character
 HB_OSNEWLINE()       Returns the newline character(s) to use with the current OS
 HB_PVALUE()          Retrieves the value of an argument.
 HB_SetKeyCheck()     Impliments common hot-key activation code
 HB_SetKeyGet()       Determine a set-key code block & condition-block
 HB_SETKEYSAVE()      Returns a copy of internal set-key list, optionally overwriting
 HB_VALTOSTR()        Converts any scalar type to a string.
 HEADER()             Return the length of a database file header
 I2BIN()              Convert Harbour numeric into signed short encoded bytes
 INDEXEXT()           Returns the file extension of the index module used in an application
 INDEXKEY()           Yields the key expression of a specified index file.
 INDEXORD()           Returns the numeric position of the controlling index.
 INKEY()              Extracts the next key code from the Harbour keyboard buffer.
 INT()                Return the integer port of a numeric value.
 ISAFFIRM()           Checks if passed char is an affirmation char
 ISALPHA()            Checks if leftmost character in a string is an alphabetic character
 ISDIGIT()            Checks if leftmost character is a digit character
 ISDISK()             Verify if a drive is ready
 ISLOWER()            Checks if leftmost character is an lowercased letter.
 ISNEGATIVE()         Checks if passed char is a negation char.
 ISUPPER()            Checks if leftmost character is an uppercased letter.
 L2BIN()              Convert Harbour numeric into signed long encoded bytes
 LASTKEY()            Get the last key extracted from the keyboard buffer.
 LASTREC()            Returns the number of records in an active work area or database.
 LEFT()               Extract the leftmost substring of a character expression
 LEN()                Returns size of a string or size of an array.
 LOG()                Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
 LOWER()              Universally lowercases a character string expression.
 LTRIM()              Removes leading spaces from a string
 LUPDATE()            Yields the date the database was last updated.
 MAKEDIR()            Create a new directory
 MAX()                Returns the maximum of two numbers or dates.
 MAXCOL()             Returns the maximun number of columns in the current video mode
 MAXROW()             Returns the current screen row position
 MCOL()               Returns the mouse cursor column position.
 MEMOTRAN()           Converts hard and soft carriage returns within strings.
 MEMVARBLOCK()        Returns a codeblock that sets/gets a value of memvar variable
 MIN()                Determines the minumum of two numbers or dates.
 MOD()                Return the modulus of two numbers.
 MONTH()              Converts a date expression to a month value
 MROW()               Returns the mouse cursor row position.
 dbSkipper()          Helper function to skip a database
 hb_ColorIndex()      Extract one color from a full Clipper colorspec string.
 NATIONMSG()          Returns international strings messages.
 NETERR()             Tests the success of a network function
 NEXTKEY()            Get the next key code in the buffer without extracting it.
 ORDBAGEXT()          Returns the Order Bag extension
 ORDBAGNAME()         Returns the Order Bag Name.
 ORDCONDSET()         Set the Condition and scope for an order
 ORDCREATE()          Create an Order in an Order Bag
 ORDDESTROY()         Remove an Order from an Order Bag
 ORDFOR()             Return the FOR expression of an Order
 ORDKEY()             Return the key expression of an Order
 ORDLISTADD()         Add Orders to the Order List
 ORDLISTCLEAR()       Clear the current Order List
 ORDLISTREBUILD()     Rebuild all Orders in the Order List of the current work area
 ORDNAME()            Return the name of an Order in the Order List
 ORDNUMBER()          Return the position of an Order in the current Order List
 ORDSETFOCUS()        Set focus to an Order in an Order List
 OS()                 Return the current operating system.
 OUTERR()             Write a list of values to the standard error device
 OUTSTD()             Write a list of values to the standard output device
 PADC()               Centers an expression for a given width
 PADL()               Left-justifies an expression for a given width
 PADR()               Right-justifies an expression for a given width
 PCOUNT()             Retrieves the number of arguments passed to a function.
 PROCFILE()           This function allways returns an empty string.
 PROCLINE()           Gets the line number of the current function on the stack.
 PROCNAME()           Gets the name of the current function on the stack
 RAT()                Searches for a substring from the right side of a string.
 RDDLIST()            Return an array of the available Replaceable Database Drivers
 RDDNAME()            Return the name of the currently active RDD
 RDDSETDEFAULT()      Set or return the default RDD for the application
 READKEY()*           Find out which key terminated a READ.
 READVAR()            Return variable name of current GET or MENU
 RECCOUNT()           Counts the number of records in a database.
 RECNO()              Returns the current record number or identity.
 RECSIZE()            Returns the size of a single record in an active database.
 REPLICATE()          Repeats a single character expression
 RIGHT()              Extract the rightmost substring of a character expression
 RLOCK()              Lock a record in a work area
 ROUND()              Rounds off a numeric expression.
 ROW()                Returns the current screen row position
 RTRIM()              Remove trailing spaces from a string.
 SECONDS()            Returns the number of elapsed seconds past midnight.
 SECS()               Return the number of seconds from the system date.
 SELECT()             Returns the work area number for a specified alias.
 SET()                Changes or evaluated enviromental settings
 SETKEY()             Assign an action block to a key
 SETMODE()            Change the video mode to a specified number of rows and columns
 SETTYPEAHEAD()       Sets the typeahead buffer to given size.
 SPACE()              Returns a string of blank spaces
 SQRT()               Calculates the square root of a number.
 STR()                Convert a numeric expression to a character string.
 STRTRAN()            Translate substring valuw with a main string
 STRZERO()            Convert a numeric expression to a character string, zero padded.
 SUBSTR()             Returns a substring from a main string
 TBrowseDB()          Create a new TBrowse object to be used with database file
 TBROWSENew()         Create a Browse Object
 TClass()             TClass() is used in the creation of all classes
 TIME()               Returns the system time as a string
 TONE()               Sound a tone with a specified frequency and duration.
 TRANSFORM()          Formats a value based on a specific picture template.
 TRIM()               Remove trailing spaces from a string.
 TYPE()               Retrieves the type of an expression
 U2BIN()              Convert Harbour numeric into unsigned long encoded bytes
 UPPER()              Converts a character expression to uppercase format
 USED()               Checks whether a database is in use in a work area
 VAL()                Convert a number from a character type to numeric
 VALTYPE()            Retrieves the data type of an expression
 VERSION()            Returns the HARBOUR Version or the Harbour/Compiler Version.
 W2BIN()              Convert Harbour numeric into unsigned short encoded bytes
 WORD()               Converts double to integer values.
 YEAR()               Converts the year portion of a date into a numeric value

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