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New menus:          When a  new menu  is  created,  all  the
                    parameters of  the current  menu,  minus
                    menu selections  and DOS  commands  etc.
                    will be passed on to the new menu. Menus
                    created before  you reset  the  COMMANDS
                    variable will not change in size. If you
                    branch to  a menu  that already  exists,
                    that menu  will not be overwritten. This
                    can allow  you to  distribute  menus  to
                    your clients.  If you  have a particular
                    set of  menu commands that you want your
                    client to  add, you  can simply copy the
                    menu file to the dMENU subdirectory, and
                    then  instruct  your  client  to  add  a
                    branch to  the new  menu, or  you  could
                    supply a  new main  menu on disk that is
                    installed by  a  batch  file.  This  can
                    ensure that  the user  does not make any
                    errors when  installing new  software or
                    DOS commands.

TSR programs:       If you have any memory resident programs
                    such   as    Sidekick(tm),   Prokey(tm),
                    Polydesk III(tm),  PCanywhere(tm) or any
                    other  memory  resident  type  programs,
                    feel free  to install them as options on
                    a menu. Since dMENU does not take up any
                    user ram,  you will certainly have ample
                    space to  run memory resident utilities.
                    And  since  dMENU  does  not  remain  in
                    memory while it runs your programs there
                    is no  conflict with  any TSR (terminate
                    and Stay Resident) programs.

Batch commands:     Remember that  anything you  can do in a
                    batch file  (and more)  can be done with
                    dMENU, including  the use  of batch file
                    LABELS, the  IF ERRORLEVEL  ==, GOTO and
                    IF EXIST  commands!. You  can also  make
                    use of  the DOS command MORE which is in
                    an  external   file  to  stop  directory
                    listings after  the screen  is full.  If
                    you have  a  menu  selection  that  does
                    directory listings,  you can use the DOS

                    command  DIR   |  MORE  to  display  the
                    directory  a  page  at  a  time.  the  |
                    character is  a  piping  character  that
                    redirects  the   output  from   the  DIR
                    command  into   the  more  command.  the
                    program MORE  then stops after each page
                    has been  filled. More  can be used with
                    any DOS  command or  file. See  your DOS
                    manual  for   (more)  details.  (no  pun

Sample menu:        A sample  menu called  DOS.MNU has  been
                    provided so  that you  may include it in
                    your  own   menus,  or  study  it's  DOS
                    commands to  get an  idea how  to create
                    your own  powerful  custom  menus.  Just
                    copy the  file DOS.MNU  to the drive and
                    subdirectory that contains dMENU. to get
                    a quick  look at  the DOS  menu, at  the
                    main menu,  press CTRL/A  to add  a  new
                    menu  selection,   Type   'Execute   DOS
                    commands' followed  by a  return. At the
                    description field  type Run DOS commands
                    from the  menu followed  by a return. At
                    the password prompt just press return so
                    that no  password is  required to branch
                    to the  DOS menu.  Now you  are  on  DOS
                    command #1.  Type  the  word  @menu  and
                    press return. The prompt Enter menu name
                    to branch to: appears. Type the word DOS
                    here, then press return. dMENU creates a
                    branch to  the menu  DOS. Since  the DOS
                    menu already  exists, a  new menu is not
                    created and  you are  returned to normal
                    menu operation.  To see  the  DOS  menu,
                    select the  number that  corresponds  to
                    the Execute  DOS commands selection. You
                    will branch to the DOS menu, and you can
                    experiment with  the selections,  or you
                    can press  CTRL/E to  view the  commands
                    necessary to  execute the  DOS commands.
                    In order to run most of the DOS commands
                    you  must   make  sure  that  the  files
                    BACKUP,  RESTORE,   MORE,  DISKCOPY  and
                    FORMAT are  available to  dMENU, or  are
                    available in  a subdirectory  listed  in
                    your PATH  command. See  you DOS  manual
                    for more information


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