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LOGO setting:       Two other options are available for your
                    convenience. You  may not  want users to
                    know of  these options  though. You  can
                    adjust the  amount of  time the  initial
                    logo  is   displayed   by   setting   an
                    environment variable  called LOGO to the
                    number of  seconds you  want the logo to
                    be  displayed.  You  can  turn  off  the
                    opening logo  if you set the environment
                    variable LOGO  to  0  by  inserting  the
                    command SET  LOGO=0 in your autoexec.bat

COMMANDS setting:   You can  also change  the number  of DOS
                    commands a  menu selection  can have  by
                    using an  environment variable. Just set
                    the environment variable COMMANDS to the
                    number of commands you want NEW menus to
                    contain. the environment variable can be
                    put into your autoexec.bat file as well.
                    To display  the  sign  on  logo  for  10
                    seconds, and  have a  maximum of  20 DOS
                    commands   per   menu   selection,   the
                    commands would look like this:

                         SET LOGO=10
                         SET COMMANDS=20

                    Now whenever  a new menu is created, the
                    maximum number of commands will be equal
                    to 20.  If you  want your  main menu  to
                    have 20  commands, set  the  commands=20
                    variable,  and   run   dMENU   with   no
                    available menu  files (just  erase  them
                    from your  menu subdirectory.  if  dMENU
                    cannot find  any menus,  it will  create
                    the MAIN.MNU)  . dMENU will create a new
                    MAIN.MNU with  20 DOS  commands for each
                    menu selection  instead of  15. This  is
                    not necessary, but if you ever need more
                    commands, it  may come in handy. All new
                    menus created  while the set commands=20
                    environemnt variable  is in  effect will
                    contain room  for 20  DOS  commands  per
                    menu selection.  The maximum  value  for
                    the   set    commands=nnn    environment
                    variable is  1000. Creating  a menu with
                    set  commands=1000  will  produce  menus
                    that are very large and slow.

                    If you  think you will require more than
                    15 DOS  commands per menu selection, you
                    should set  the environment  variable to
                    the value  desired BEFORE  you run dMENU
                    for the  first time  because once a menu
                    has been  created it cannot be re-sized.
                    If you  need to expand the number of DOS
                    commands a  menu selection can have, you
                    will have  to  redo  all  of  your  menu
                    selection entries for that menu.

                    You can  have dMENU  startup with a menu
                    you specify  by starting  dmenu  in  the
                    following manner:

                         RUNMENU <MENUNAME>

                    The menu  name must  not be  more than 8
                    characters  long.  dMENU  will  load  or
                    create  the  menu  you  specify  on  the
                    command line. That menu then becomes the
                    'main' menu.

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