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SCAN_CONV()                                                         C_DEMO
   Converts key numbers to scan codes for use with CAD_SETUP().

      nValue = SCAN_CONV(nKeyNum)

      nKeyNum     Key number value to shift to high byte.

      nValue      Converted number value.

      Whenever a key is pressed, a 16-bit code called a scan code that
      represents the keystroke is generated. The 16-bit code holds the ASCII
      value of the keystroke in the lower byte (the lower eight bits) and the
      scan code value in the upper byte (the upper eight bits). Special keys,
      such as the arrow keys, have a 0 in their lower byte (ASCII value).
      So, in order to use the special keys for CAD_SETUP(), their key numbers
      must be converted to the proper scan code by SCAN_CONV() for nKeyNum
      because they don't have an ACSII value.
                 |Useful Keyboard Scan Codes               |
                 |   Key    |Scan Code|   Key    |Scan Code|
                 |    F1    |    59   |keypad "9"|    73   |
                 |    F2    |    60   |keypad "-"|    74   |
                 |    F3    |    61   |keypad "4"|    75   |
                 |    F4    |    62   |keypad "5"|    76   |
                 |    F5    |    63   |keypad "6"|    77   |
                 |    F6    |    64   |keypad "+"|    78   |
                 |    F7    |    65   |keypad "1"|    79   |
                 |    F8    |    66   |keypad "2"|    80   |
                 |    F9    |    67   |keypad "3"|    81   |
                 |    F10   |    68   |keypad "0"|    82   |
                 |keypad "7"|    71   |keypad "."|    83   |
                 |keypad "8"|    72   |          |         |


         CAD_SETUP(13,SCAN_CONV(80))      && Set the SnapKey to down arrow

See Also: CAD_SETUP()

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