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CAD_SETUP()                                                         C_EXAM17
   Changes the defaults in the CAD system.

         nValue = CAD_SETUP(nItem [,nValue])

         nItem       Item number in table below.
         nValue      New value.

         nValue      Current value.

         CAD_SETUP() is used to change the defaults in the CAD system.
     |CAD Setup Flags                                                    |
     |No| Item         |Val| Description                                 |
     | 1|MarkHotBoxPat | 1 |Change pattern of boxes at corner of hot area|
     | 2|MarkLinePat   | 1 |Change line pattern of hot box               |
     | 3|HotSize       | 3 |Size of hot area around points and lines     |
     | 4|HotMarkColor  | 8 |Color of a marked object                     |
     | 5|HotBox        | 1 |Draw hot box around object when marked       |
     | 6|HotPoint      | 1 |Draw hot points on box                       |
     | 7|DrawButton    | 2.|Which mouse button completes drawing         |
     | 8|SnapButton    | 8.|Which mouse button snaps object to grid      |
     | 9|ExitButton    |32.|Which mouse button exits the drawing         |
     |10|CancelKey     |27.|Which keyboard key cancels drawing           |
     |11|ExitKey       |79*|Which keyboard key exits the drawing         |
     |12|DrawKey       |71*|Which keyboard key completes the drawing     |
     |13|SnapKey       |81*|Which keyboard key snaps to object or grid   |
     |14|PenUpKey      |73*|Anchor point and move to new drawing position|
     |16|EnterKey      |13 |Enter a position to move the mouse cursor    |
     |17|AutoMmap      | 1 |Redraw all objects to the screen             |
     |18|Orthogonal    | 0 |Sets whether orthogonal drawing is on or off |
     |19|Record        | 0 |Recording of mouse drawings as objects       |
     |20|SnapRegion    |-1 |The viewport in which snapping occurs        |
     |21|SnapType      | 0 |Sets whether a snap will be permanent or not |
     . Bit value (see KP_MSTATE())
     . ASCII
     * Converted scan code

         1. MarkHotBoxPat  Changes the pattern of the small hot boxes at the
                           corners of the marked object.
         2. MarkLinePat    Changes the line pattern of the large box
                           surrounding a marked object.
         3. HotSize        Distance from the edge of an object that the mouse
                           cursor must be within to find an object.
         4. HotMarkColor   Color of a marked object to distinguish it from
                           other objects on the drawing.
         5. HotBox         Box around an object displayed when it is marked.
         6. HotPoint       Small hot boxes at the corners, middle, and center
                           of a marked object. Used to show possible points
                           that can be snapped to.
         7. DrawButton     Anchors the point if the object is a polyline, and
                           continues drawing. Otherwise, completes the drawing
                           and exits. A double click on the DrawButton
                           completes the polygon and polyline drawing with the
         8. SnapButton     Moves the mouse cursor to either the closest
                           control point on an object within HotPoint
                           distance, or to the closest grid point. A double
                           click on the SnapButton cancels the drawing of the
         9. ExitButton     Completes the object and exits from MS_OBJECT().
        10. CancelKey      Cancels any incomplete object and exits from
                           MS_OBJECT(). A double click on the SnapButton also
                           cancels an object.
        11. ExitKey        Completes the object and exits from MS_OBJECT().
        12. DrawKey        Anchors the point if the object is a polyline, and
                           continues drawing. Otherwise, completes the drawing
                           and exits.
        13. SnapKey        Moves the mouse cursor to either the closest
                           control point on an object within HotPoint
                           distance, or to the closest grid point.
        14. PenUpKey       While drawing a polyline, anchors the current
                           point, picks up and moves the drawing position
                           until a DrawButton or DrawKey, then continues
        16. EnterKey       Calls a Clipper function named ENTER_PNT.PRG so a
                           point can be entered under program control.
        17. AutoMap        Automatic remapping redraws objects that have been
                           overwritten after each copy, deletion, or movement.
                           The purpose is to clear up the screen when one
                           object overwrites another and is moved off. Where
                           the two objects overwrote, a hole may be left.
        18. Orthogonal     Restricts the drawing of polylines. A 1 restricts
                           the mouse drawn polylines to the horizontal and
                           vertical directions only.
        19. Record         If set on, mouse drawings are saved as vector
                           graphic objects and maintain a position on the
                           object stack. They retain all of the attributes and
                           functionality of objects, including the ability to
                           be edited, moved, copied, marked, combined and
                           deleted. If set off, a mouse object is placed on
                           the screen only and no record of it is kept on the
                           object stack, thereby making it unchangeable.
        20. SnapRegion     The viewport in which snapping occurs.
        21. SnapType       Sets whether a snap will be temporary, 0, or
                           permanent, 1. Temporary means that the mouse can
                           still be moved after the SnapButton or SnapKey is
                           pressed. Permanent, or 'sticky' means to finish the
                           move, copy, drawing, or other object manipulations
                           when the SnapButton or SnapKey is pressed.

   Note: Scan codes are used for special keys (such as the arrow keys)
         that do not have an ASCII value. For more information on scan codes
         for special keys, see SCAN_CONV().

See Also: SCAN_CONV()

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