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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - keychar action to be performed when pressing a key
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KeyChar Action to be performed when pressing a key
Syntax: KeyChar( <nKey>, <nFlags> ) --> 0 or Nil
<nKey> The value of the key pressed
<nFlags> Specifies the repeat count, scan code,
extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and
transition-state flag, For more information on these flags
please consult the MS-Windows API documentation.
The KeyChar() method returns either 0 or Nil. It will return 0 if it
has handled the keystrokes and it will return the value of it's
ancestors (TWindow) KeyChar() method if it has passed the parameters
to that KeyChar() method
This method handles all the WM_CHAR messages Windows sends to this
particular object. This method receives both the keycode and a set
of flags which can be used to determine more about the keystroke.
For controls it will handle the messages relating the <Tab> and
the <Shift> <Tab> keystrokes.
See Also: KeyChar
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