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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - <b>class tfolder from tcontrol</b>
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Class TFolder FROM TControl
aPrompts Array of Prompts
aDialogs Array of NonModal DialogBox objects
nOption Current selected page
nTabSize Size of the tabs
oFont2 Bold Font type
aEnable Array of enabled pages
New Constructor from source code
ReDefine Constructor from Resource
AddItem Adds an Item to the Folder.
Default Default control initialization
DelItem Deletes an Item from the Folder.
Destroy Destroy the Folder object.
Display Displays the control. Use :Refresh() to force repaint
GetHotPos Returns the page index of a specified hotkey
GotFocus Event response code when receiving focus
Init Generic Control initialization method
LButtonDown Action to be performed when clicking the mouse
Paint Draws the control. This process occurs internally from Display.
Refresh Repaints the folder on the screen
ReSize Event response code when resizing the folder
SetOption Changes the current active folder page
Update Sends an Update message to all the contained Dialog objects.
See Also: Folder xBase commands FiveWin.ch
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