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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - give focus to next control in dialog box
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Give focus to next control in dialog box
Syntax: TDialog():FocusNext( <hCtrlFocus>, <lPrevius> ) --> NIL
<hCtrlFocus> It is the hWnd of the control currently focused.
<lPrevious> It is a logical value: .t. for the next and .f.
for the previous.
With the FocusNext() method the programmer can place focus on the
control that is before (<lPrevius> is .F.) of after (<lPrevius> is .T.)
the control identified by <hCtrlFocus>. To get a handle of a certain
control you could use the GetItem() method to obtain <hctrlFocus>
(assuming that you DO know the ID of the control), or just use the value
stored in the ::hWnd instance variable for that specific control
See Also: GetItem
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