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 ARR()      - view and scroll through array
 CLOSE()    - closes the specified database
 CONT()     - finds the next match for previous LOCATE()
 COUNT()    - count based on expression
 DEL()      - deletes records in a specified database
 END()      - checks if database if at end-of-file
 FND()      - returns FOUND() condition for database
 GO()       - moves to a specified record number
 LOCATE()   - finds the first record matching expression
 PACK()     - performs PACK on current database
 REC()      - shows current record number, count, etc.
 REINDEX()  - performs a REINDEX on database
 SEEK()     - moves to first record matching expression
 SEL()      - selects another work area
 SETORDER() - selects the index order for the database
 SKIP()     - skips a specified number of records in a database
 STAT()     - shows status information for database
 TOP()      - checks if database is at top-of-file
 UNDEL()    - recalls deleted records in database
 USE()      - opens a database and three index files
 VAR()      - shows the type, length, and value of a variable
 VIEW()     - view and scroll through a database file
 ZAP()      - performs a ZAP on a database

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