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  font functions

       C4W_SetFont()           get/set the font for Clipper output
       ChooseFont()            let the user select a font
       CreateFont()            make a new font
       DeleteObject()          free up an object
       GetObject()             info. about an object
       GetStockObject()        get a predefined object
       GetTabbedTextExtent()   the width and height of a tabbed string
                               using the current font
       GetTextExtent()         return the width and height of a
                               string using the current font
       SelectObject()          use an object

  graphics functions

       Arc()                   draw an elliptical arc
       BitBlt()                copy a bitmap from a device context to another
       Chord()                 draw a chord
       DrawText()              output a string in a rectangular area
       Ellipse()               draw an ellipse
       FillRect()              fill a rectangle
       FloodFill()             fill a screen area
       FrameRect()             draw a border
       GetBkMode()             get the current background mode
       GetClientRect()         get window co-ords
       GetPixel()              colour of a pixel
       GetPolyFillMode()       polygon-filling mode
       GetROP2()               get the current drawing mode
       GetTabbedTextExtent()   the width and height of a tabbed string
                               using the current font
       GetTextExtent()         return the width and height of a string
                               using the current font
       GetTextMetrics()        get the metrics for the current font
       InvalidateRect()        force an area to be redrawn
       InvertRect()            invert the pixels in a rectangular area
       LineTo()                draw a line
       MoveTo()                change cursor position
       PatBlt()                create/copy a bitmap pattern
       Pie()                   draw a pie-shaped wedge
       Polygon()               draw a closed polygon
       PolyLine()              draw several lines
       Rectangle()             a rectangle
       RoundRect()             draw a rounded rectangle
       SetBkMode()             set the current background mode
       SetBrushOrg()           set the origin that will be used for a
                               brush in a device context
       SetPixel()              change colour of pixel
       SetPolyFillMode()       set polygon-fill mode
       SetROP2()               set the current drawing mode
       ShowDIB()               output a device-independent bitmap
       UnrealizeObject()       reset the origin of a brush or reset a
                               logical palette
       ValidateRect()          mark an area as not needing to be redrawn
  icon functions
       CreateIcon()            make a new icon
       DestroyIcon()           free up an icon
       DrawIcon()              draw the icon
       LoadIcon()              load a standard icon

  list box control functions

       CreateWindow()          create a new window
       DestroyWindow()         destroy a window
       EnableWindow()          enable/disable keyboard and mouse input for a
       IsChild()               check relationship
       IsWindow()              if a valid window
       IsWindowEnabled()       whether input allowed
       MoveWindow()            re-position a window
       SendMessage()           send a message to a window
       SetFocus()              set the window with the input focus


       LBAddString()           add a new string to the list box
       LBDeleteString()        deletes a string from the list box
       LBDir()                 add a list of filenames to the list box
       LBFindString()          find a string in the list box
       LBFindStrExact()        find a string in the list box
       LBGetCount()            returns the number of items in the list box
       LBGetCurSel()           the position of the currently selected item
       LBGetItemRect()         returns the screen co-ordinates of the rectangle
                               that bounds an item
       LBGetSel()              returns the selection status of an item
       LBGetText()             returns a line from within the list box
       LBGetTextLen()          returns the length of a line in the list box
       LBInsertString()        insert a new string in the list box
       LBResetContent()        empty the list box
       LBSelectString()        find and select a string in the list box
       LBSetCurSel()           sets the position of the currently selected item
       LBSetSel()              sets whether a string is selected in a multiple-
                               selection list box
       LBSetTabStops()         set tab stop positions
  menu functions
       AppendMenu()            add another menu item
       CheckMenuItem()         add/remove check mark for a pop-up menu item
       ClientToScreen()        convert a point from client co-ordinates to
                               screen co-ordinates
       CreateMenu()            a new (empty) menu
       CreatePopupMenu()       a new popup menu
       DeleteMenu()            delete a menu item
       DestroyMenu()           free up a menu
       DrawMenuBar()           redraw the menu bar
       EnableMenuItem()        manipulate a menu item
       GetMenu()               get existing menu
       GetMenuBlock()          return a menu item's code block
       GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions()  return the width and height of the
                               default check-mark bitmap
       GetMenuHandle()         return the menu handle of a menu
       GetMenuId()             return the menu id of a menu item
       GetMenuItemCount()      # of menu items
       GetMenuState()          status flags
       GetMenuString()         get menu label
       HiliteMenuItem()        change hilite status
       InsertMenu()            add item within a menu
       IsDlgButtonChecked()    return the status of a dialog button or
                               check box
       ScreenToClient()        convert a point's screen co-ordinates to
                               client co-ordinates
       SetMenu()               set a window's menu
       SetMenuItemBitmaps()    set bitmaps for checked/unchecked menu items
       TrackPopupMenu()        display and activate a floating pop-up menu

  message functions

       DispatchMessage()       dispatch a message to a window procedure
       GetMessage()            get a message from Windows
       IsDialogMessage()       try to handle a message in a dialog-like manner
       PeekMessage()           check for a message for a window
       PostMessage()           put a message in a window's queue
       PostQuitMessage()       put a WM_QUIT message in a program's queue
       SendMessage()           send a message to a window
       TranslateMessage()      translate a keyboard message

  metafile functions

       CloseMetaFile()         close a metafile device context and return a
                               metafile handle
       CopyMetaFile()          copy a metafile
       CreateMetaFile()        create a metafile device context
       DeleteMetaFile()        delete a metafile's in-memory resources
       GetMetaFile()           get a handle to a disk metafile
       GetMFBits()             returns a memory handle for a metafile
       PlayMetaFile()          play a metafile on a device
  miscellaneous functions
       A2Bin()                 convert a Clipper array to binary
       AnsiToOem()             convert a string from the Windows character
                               set to DOS
       Bin2A()                 convert binary data to a Clipper array
       C4WVersion()            the version of Clip-4-Win
       C4W_And()               return the bitwise AND of two or more numbers
       C4W_HiWord()            return the high word of a long number
       C4W_LoWord()            return the low word of a long number
       C4W_Not()               return the bitwise inverse of a number
       C4W_Or()                return the bitwise OR of two or more numbers
       C4W_Peek()              return the contents of an area of memory
       C4W_Poke()              change the contents of an area of memory
       GetKeyboardType()       information about the keyboard
       GetModuleFileName()     get the full path of an executable file
       GetOpenFileName()       get the name of a file to open, from
                               a dialog with the user
       GetProfInt()            integer from WIN.INI
       GetProfString()         string from WIN.INI
       GetPvProfInt()          integer from user's file
       GetPvProfString()       string from user's file
       GetSaveFileName()       get the name of a file to save into,
                               from a dialog with the user
       GetSystemDirectory()    Windows system directory
       GetSystemMetrics()      information about Windows
       GetTabbedTextExtent()   the width and height of a tabbed
                               string using the current font
       GetTempDrive()          drive for temporary files
       GetTextExtent()         return the width and height of a
                               string using the current font
       GetTickCount()          time since Windows was started
       GetVersion()            the version of Windows and DOS
       GetWindowLong()         return a 32-bit value from a window structure
       GetWindowsDirectory()   Windows own directory
       GetWindowWord()         return a word value from a window structure
       GetWinFlags()           configuration information
       MessageBeep()           sound a tone
       OemToAnsi()             convert a string from the PC (DOS)
                               character set to Windows
       SetHandleCount()        set the number of available file handles
       SetWindowLong()         set a 32-bit value into a window structure
       SetWindowWord()         set a word value into a window structure
       WinExec()               run a program
       WinHelp()               start Windows Help
       WinSetup()              register a new window class and create a

  mouse functions

       MouseCol()              return the column position of a mouse click
       MouseRow()              return the row position of a mouse click
       MouseX()                return the x-position of a mouse click
       MouseY()                return the y-position of a mouse click
       ReleaseCapture()        stop capturing all mouse input
       SetCapture()            set the window to capture all mouse input

  pen functions

       CreatePen()             make a new pen
       DeleteObject()          free up an object
       GetObject()             info. about an object
       GetStockObject()        get a predefined object
       SelectObject()          use an object
  printer functions  (also see: graphics, and other GDI functions)
       AbortDoc()              abort a print job
       EndDoc()                end a print job
       EndPage()               end a page on the printer
       GetPrintDC()            access a printer for drawing
       PrintDlg()              set up printer and print job information
       ReleaseDC()             release a device
       StartDoc()              start a print job
       StartPage()             start a new page on the printer


       CreateDialog()          make a new dialog structure, or start a
                               modeless dialog
       DialogBox()             display and activate a modal dialog from a
                               dialog resource
       FindResource()          find a resource in a resource file
       FreeResource()          free a resource
       LoadAccelerators()      load an accelerator table resource
       LoadBitmap()            load a standard bitmap or a bitmap resource
       LoadCursor()            load a standard cursor or a cursor resource
       LoadIcon()              load a standard icon or an icon resource
       LoadResource()          load a resource into global memory
       LoadString()            load a string resource
       SetAccelerator()        use an accelerator table
       SizeofResource()        return the size of a resource
  scrollbar functions
       CreateWindow()          create a new window
       DestroyWindow()         destroy a window
       EnableWindow()          enable/disable keyboard and mouse input for a
       IsChild()               check relationship
       IsWindow()              if a valid window
       IsWindowEnabled()       whether input allowed
       MoveWindow()            re-position a window
       SendMessage()           send a message to a window
       SetFocus()              set the window with the input focus
       SetScrollPos()          set scroll box position
       SetScrollRange()        set limits of scroll box
  timer functions
       KillTimer()             stop a timer for a window
       SetTimer()              start a timer for a window
  window functions
       BringWindowToTop()      so it can be seen
       C4W_AutoClose()         enable/disable automatic closing of windows
       CallWindowProc()        pass a message to a window procedure
       ClientToScreen()        convert a point from client co-ordinates to
                               screen co-ordinates
       CloseWindow()           convert window to icon
       CreateWindow()          create a new window
       DefFrameProc()          pass a message to the default MDI frame
       DefMDIChildProc()       pass a message to the default MDI child
       DefWindowProc()         pass a message to the default window procedure
       DestroyWindow()         destroy a window
       FindWindow()            find by name
       GetClientRect()         get window co-ords
       GetDesktopWindow()      the handle of the desktop window
       GetFocus()              the window with the input focus
       GetWindow()             find a related window
       GetWindowLong()         return a 32-bit value from a window structure
       GetWindowText()         get the title of a window
       GetWindowWord()         return a word value from a window structure
       IsChild()               check relationship
       IsDialogMessage()       try to handle a message in a dialog-like manner
       IsIconic()              whether minimised
       IsWindow()              if a valid window
       IsWindowEnabled()       whether input allowed
       IsWindowVisible()       test visibility
       IsZoomed()              whether maximised
       MessageBox()            a message-box window
       MoveWindow()            re-position a window
       OpenIcon()              restore closed window
       ScreenToClient()        convert a point's screen co-ordinates to
                               client co-ordinates
       ScrollWindow()          up/down left/right
       SelectWindow()          set/get the current window
       SetFocus()              set the window with the input focus
       SetWindowLong()         set a 32-bit value into a window structure
       SetWindowText()         set the title of a window
       SetWindowWord()         set a word value into a window structure
       ShowWindow()            change visibility
       SubClassWindow()        intercept messages on their way to a window
       UpdateWindow()          flush any changes
       WinSetup()              register a new window class and create a
  window class functions
       RegisterClass()         a new window class
       UnregisterClass()       free up a window class
       WinSetup()              register a new window class and create a

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