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 CLASS MESSAGE...METHOD  Declare class message and corresponding method
 CLASS METHOD            Declare class method(s)
 CLASS VAR               Declare class variable(s)
 CONSTRUCTOR             Begin definition of constructor method
 CREATE CLASS            Begin a class declaration
 END CLASS               End a class declaration
 EXPORT:                 Cause subsequent messages to be exported
 HIDDEN:                 Cause subsequent messages to be hidden
 INIT CLASS:             Begin user-defined initialization of class
 MESSAGE...METHOD        Declare message and corresponding method
 METHOD                  Declare method(s) with same named message(s)
 METHOD [FUNCTION]       Begin definition of a method
 METHOD PROCEDURE        Begin definition of a method (no return value)
 PROTECTED:              Cause subsequent messages to be protected
 VAR                     Declare instance variable(s)
 VISIBLE:                Cause subsequent messages to be exported
 self                    Reference to current object in methods
 ::                      Synonym for self:
 @:                      Invoke sibling method directly w/o message send
Obsolete Commands
 CLASSVAR                Declare class variable(s)
 ENDCLASS                End a class declaration
 INSTVAR                 Declare instance variable(s)
 LOCAL:                  Cause subsequent messages to be hidden
 METHOD...=              Declare message and corresponding method
 PRIVATE:                Cause subsequent messages to be hidden

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