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    ZTC file... [flags...] [@file]


    A one-step program to compile and link C++, C and ASM files.

    file...     .CPP, .C or .ASM source,
                .OBJ object or .LIB library file name[s]

    @file...    pick up arguments from file or environment

    flags...    zero or more of the following:

        -a[1|2|4]           alignment of struct members
        -A                  strict ANSI c
        -b                  use ZTC1B and ZTC2B
        -b[r|x]             use 286/386 DOS extender executables
        -c                  skip the link, do compile only
        -cpp                assume source files are C++
        -co                 link for CodeView
        -C                  no inline expansion
        -cod                Generate .cod (.asm) file
        -D[macro[=text]]    define macro
        -e                  show results of preprocessor
        -f                  in-line 8087 code
        -g                  put full debug info in .OBJ file
        -gb                 put browse records into object file
        -gd                 dynamic C++ type info only
        -gg                 make static functions global
        -gl                 line numbers only
        -gs                 symbol info only
        -gt                 generate trace prolog/epilog
        -Ipath              #include file search path
        -j[0|1|2]           Asian language characters
                                0: Japanese (default)
                                1: Taiwanese and Chinese
                                2: Korean
        -Jm                 relaxed type checking
        -Ju                 char==unsigned char
        -J                  chars are unsigned
        -l[listfile]        generate list file
        -L                  use LINK instead of BLINK
        -Lswitch            pass parameter to linker
        -m[tsmclvrpx]       memory model
                                s: small code and data (default)
                                m: large code, small data
                                c: small code, large data
                                l: large code and data
                                v: VCM
                                r: Rational 286 DOS Extender
                                p: Pharlap 386 DOS Extender
                                x: DOSX 386 DOS Extender
                                z: ZPM 286 DOS Extender
                                t: .COM file
                                i: integer only
                                w: SS != DS
                                u: reload DS
        -NS                 new code seg for each function
        -NTname             set code segment name
        -NV                 vtables in far data
        -O                  generate Pharlap OBJ format
        -o[-+flag]          run optimizer with flag
        -ooutput            output filename (.ext opt)
        -p                  turn off autoprototyping
        -P                  default to pascal linkage
        -r                  strict prototyping
        -R                  put switch tables in code seg
        -s                  stack overflow checking
        -S                  always gen stack frame
        -u                  suppress predefined macros
        -v[0|1|2]           verbose compile
        -w[n]               suppress warnings
        -W[1|2|3]           MS Windows prolog/epilog
                                n: message number
                                1: Full
                                2: Reduced
                                3: Smart callback
        -x                  turn off error maximum
        -[2|3|4]            286/386/486 code generation
        =nnnn               set stack size for ZTxxx

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