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    ZRC [flags] .RC input file [.EXE output file]


    where flags may be:

        -D name  Define macro
        -E       Create a driver which uses EMS memory
        -FE name Names the .EXE file
        -FO name Rename .RES file
        -?|-H    This usage
        -I path  #include path search path
        -K       Disable load optimization
        -L       Create an application that uses LIM 3.2 EMS
        -M       Set multiple instance flag
        -P       Create a private library
        -R       Create a .RES file only
        -T       Create a protected mode only application
        -V       Verbose compile
        -U       supress predefined macros
        -w[n]    supress warning n
        -x       turn off error maximum
        -j       Asian language characters
        -n       Enum output file

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