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Standard Types

   A number of library routines use values whose types are defined in
   include files. These types are listed and described as follows, and the
   include file that defines each type is given.

   Standard Type    Description

   clock_t          Defined in time.h, stores time values and is used by the
                    clock function.

   diskinfo_t       Defined in bios.h, records information about disk drives
                    returned by the _bios_disk function.

   div_t, ldiv_t    Structures, defined in stdlib.h. Used to store the values
                    returned by the div and ldiv functions.

   dosdate_t        Defined in dos.h, records the current system date used in
                    the _dos_getdate and _dos_setdate functions.

   dostime_t        Defined in dos.h, records the current system time used in
                    the _dos_gettime and _dos_settime routines.

   DOSERROR         A structure, defined in dos.h. Used to store values

                    returned by the DOS "extended" error system call
                    (available under MS-DOS 3.0 and later).

   double_t         The type that is the most efficient for double precision
                    floating point calculations.

   emm_handle_s     A structure, defined in emm_h. Used to store information
                    relating to the number of pages owned by an EMS handle.

   exception        The exception structure. defined in math.h, stores error
                    information for math routines and is used by the matherr

   FILE             A structure, defined in stdio.h and used in all stream
                    input and output operations. The fields of the structure
                    hold information about the current state of the stream.

   FIND             The FIND structure, defined in dos.h, stores information
                    returned by the findfirst and findnext functions.

   float_t          The type that is the most efficient for single precision
                    floating point calculations.

   INT_DATA         This structure is defined in int.h and is used by the
                    interrupt package to pass register information to the
                    user's interrupt service routine.

   jmp_buf          An array type, defined in setjmp.h, that defines the
                    buffer used by the setjmp and longjmp routines to save
                    and restore the program environment.

   REGS             This union, defined in dos.h, stores byte and word
                    register values to be passed to and returned from calls
                    to the MS-DOS interface functions, int86 etc.

   size_t           Defined in stddef.h and several other include files, is
                    the result of the sizeof operator.

   sig_atomic_t     Defined in signal.h, is the type of an object that can be
                    modified as an atomic entity in the presence of

                    asynchronous interrupts. It is used in the signal

   SREGS            This structure, defined in dos.h, stores the values of the
                    segment registers. This structure is used by the MS-DOS
                    interface routines int86x, intdosx, and segread.

   stat             This structure, defined in sys\stat.h, contains file
                    information returned by the stat and fstat routines.

   time_t           Defined in time.h, represents time values in the time

   tm               This structure, defined in time.h, is used by the asctime,
                    gmtime, and localtime functions to store and retrieve
                    time information.

   va_list          This array type, defined in stdarg.h, is used to hold
                    information needed by the va_arg and va_end macros. The
                    called function declares a variable of type va_list,

                    which may be passed as an argument to a variadic

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