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   #include <fg.h>
   void fg_msm_setcursor(fg_msm_cursor_t cursor);


   typedef struct fg_msm_cursor
           char far *matrix;
           fg_box_t box;
           fg_coord_t hot_x, hot_y;
       } fg_msm_cursor_t;

   Set the type of cursor to use. The default is an arrow. matrix must
   remain in scope for as long as that cursor type is to be used. The cursor
   is implemented with fg_drawmatrix(). The other parameters are copied. The
   matrix and bounding box must satisfy the fg_drawmatrix specifications.
   The hot spot is specified relative to the lower left corner of the
   matrix. This is the coordinate reported by the various mouse functions.
   It is always drawn in XOR mode with FG_HIGHLIGHT color, with FG_ROT0
   rotation, clipped to the area defined by fg_msm_setarea(). If you do not
   care for this method or color you can change it by supplying your own
   output function (see fg_msm_setoutput()). The coordinates passed to your
   function will always be within the area defined by fg_msm_setarea()

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