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   #include <fg.h>
   void far fg_drawmatrix(fg_color_t color, int mode, int mask,
                          int rotation, fg_coord_t x, fg_coord_t y,
                          const char *p, fg_const_pbox_t b,
                          fg_const_pbox_t clipbox);


   Draw matrix of dots fg_box_width(b) by fg_box_height(b). The matrix is
   drawn from top to bottom; the first row pointed to by p corresponds to
   the top row displayed. Only the bits that are 1s are output to the
   display. This is so that icons can be overlaid across what is already on
   screen. If a different result is desired you can do a fg_fillbox prior to
   calling this routine.

   color,mode,mask  The color, mode and mask to use for the matrix.

   rotation         FG_ROTx about x,y where x,y is the lower left corner of
                    where matrix is to be written.

   p                Pointer to data to be written, which is an array
                    fg_matrix_size(b) bytes long. Bit 0 of the byte
                    corresponds to the rightmost pixel, bit 7 to the

   b                Enclosing box. b[FG_X1] = b[FG_Y1] = 0.

   clipbox          The clipping rectangle.


   static fg_box_t bat_mouse_box = {0,0,26,11};
   static char bat_mouse_cursor[48] =
           This is drawn with the X's set to WHITE, blanks are

       0x00,0x0a,0x00,0x00,    /*            X X           */
       0x00,0x0e,0x00,0x00,    /*            XXX           */
       0x02,0x15,0x08,0x00,    /*        X  X X X  X       */
       0x07,0x9f,0x3c,0x00,    /*      XXXX XXXXX XXXX     */

       0x0f,0xff,0xfe,0x00,    /*    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   */
       0x1f,0xff,0xff,0x00,    /*  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   */
       0x3f,0xff,0xff,0x80,    /* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  */
       0x7f,0xff,0xff,0xc0,    /* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */
       0xc7,0x3b,0x9c,0x60,    /*  XX  XXX XXX XXX XXX XX  */
       0x82,0x11,0x08,0x20,    /*    X   X  X   X  X  X    */
       0x00,0x11,0x00,0x00,    /*           X   X          */
       0x00,0x2a,0x80,0x00     /*         X X   X X        */
       fg_drawmatrix(FG_WHITE, FG_MODE_SET, ~0, FG_ROT0, 0, 0,
                  bat_mouse_cursor, bat_mouse_box,  fg.displaybox);

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