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X-Hacker.org- Zortech C++ 3.0r4 - <b>fg_drawline</b>
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#include <fg.h>
void far fg_drawline(fg_color_t color, int mode, int mask, int
line_type, fg_const_pline_t line);
void fg_drawlinep(fg_color_t color, int mode, int mask, int
line_type, fg_const_pline_t line);
Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using the indicated line type,
color, mode and mask. The line must have been previously clipped to
fg_drawlinep differs from fg_drawline in that the end points of the line
will be drawn regardless of the line type.
fg_line_t line_to_draw;
/* A line from the upper left corner to the lower */
/* right corner of the display. */
line_to_draw [FG_X1] = fg.displaybox [FG_X2];
line_to_draw [FG_Y1] = fg.displaybox [FG_Y1];
line_to_draw [FG_X2] = fg.displaybox [FG_X1];
line_to_draw [FG_Y2] = fg.displaybox [FG_Y2];
fg_drawline(FG_WHITE, FG_MODE_SET, ~0,
FG_LINE_SOLID, line_to_draw);
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