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   #include <fg.h>
   void far fg_blit(fg_const_pbox_t src_box, fg_coord_t x,
                    fg_coord_t y, int dstpage, int srcpage);


   Do a  blit  of a rectangle of pixels from one area of the screen to
   another. The argument src_box defines the source rectangle of pixels. Box
   src_box must be enclosed by fg.displaybox both before the start of the
   blit and after the translation to the new coordinates. The arguments x
   and y give the coordinates of the lower left corner of the destination of
   the box src_box. The page the pixels are to be moved to is given by
   dstpage and the page they are to be read from by srcpage.

   No clipping is done. Overlapping source and destination locations will be
   handled such that the pixel to be read is not destroyed by a previous
   write. This function can also be used as a "page copy" function with the
   proper src_box(fg.displaybox) and destination coordinate (0,0).


   /* copy screen from oldpage to page */
   fg_blit(fg.displaybox, 0, 0, page, oldpage);

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