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The Tab_size Package


   The purpose of the Tab_size package is to provide a common API for all
   programs that use tabs, so that tab width can be modified by the user and
   all of the programs in the system can know about this. These functions use
   a global system variable that is initialized to 8 (the UNIX standard tab
   size) at run-time.

   This size can be manipulated with tab_sizeset() and retrieved with
   tab_sizeget(). tab_sizegetenv() will check the environment for TAB or
   TABS and return the value of the environment variable if found, or 0 if
   neither of them is defined. tab_putenv() will define the environment
   variable TAB= to the specified tab size and will undefine TABS if it is

   These changes only affect spawned programs. No modifications are made to
   the user's original environment.

   The Tab_size package limits legal tab sizes to the range 2 to 32.

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