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   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <io.h>
   int fseek(FILE *fp,long offset,int origin);



   Sets the file position associated with the stream fp. offset is the
   signed offset in bytes relative to that specified by origin. Values for
   origin are defined in io.h:

           SEEK_SET        beginning of file
           SEEK_CUR        current position
           SEEK_END        end of file

   If the file is opened in text mode, offset can only be a value returned
   by ftell and origin can only be SEEK_SET, or offset must be 0. If an
   ungetc was done immediately before an fseek, the ungetc is undone. If the
   file was opened in read/write mode (see fopen), following the fseek
   either reading or writing may be performed.


   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <io.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>

   int main()
       FILE *fp;
       fp = fopen("file.dat","r+");
       fseek(fp, 0L,SEEK_END);     /*Move to end of file  */
       fseek(fp, 0L,SEEK_SET);     /*Move to start of file*/
       fseek(fp, 200L,SEEK_SET);   /*Move to offset 200   */
       return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Return Value

   fseek returns 0 if the pointer was successfully moved. fseek returns !=0
   if an error occurred.

See Also

   ftell, lseek

See Also: ftell lseek

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