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X-Hacker.org- Zortech C++ Language Reference - fg.h
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This file defines types and macros, and declares global variables and
functions for the Flash_Graphics package.
The following global variables are declared:
fg_displaybox fg_charbox fg_ncolormap
fg_nsimulcolor fg_pixelx fg_pixely
fg_activepage fg_displaypage fg_numpages
fg_display fg_color[]
In addition the following types are defined:
fg_coord_t fg_box_t[] fg_pbox_t;
fg_const_pbox_t fg_line_t[] fg_pline_t
fg_const_pline_t fg_color_t fg_handle_t
A number of macros are also defined, they are:
fg_coord_midpoint fg_box_height fg_box_width
fg_matrix_size fg_box_area fg_make_line
fg_line_horiz fg_line_vert fg_line_zerolength
fg_box_cpy fg_setcolornum
Finally, the prototypes for the following functions are contained in
fg_assert fg_save fg_init_all
fg_init_herc fg_init_egaecd fg_init_egamono
fg_init_egacolor fg_init_vga11 fg_init_vga12
fg_init_vga13 fg_init_vegahires fg_init_cga
fg_init_cgamedres fg_init_toshiba fg_init_8514a
fg_box_enclose fg_pt_inbox fg_getfillside
fg_linepixels fg_line_cpy fg_lineclip
fg_setenv_variable fg_setpalette fg_fillpolygon
fg_restore fg_drawbox fg_drawlineclip
fg_drawlinepclip fg_drawpolygon fg_filloutline
fg_puts fg_adjustxy fg_drawellipse
fg_fill fg_traverseline fg_drawthickline
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