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X-Hacker.org- Zortech C++ Language Reference - fileno
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#include <stdio.h>
int fileno(FILE *fp);
fileno returns the file descriptor associated with stream fp. This is
the same as the DOS file handle. The fp argument must point to a file
which is already open.
The fileno function converts a file pointer to a file descriptor for
use with the low-level file functions such as close, read and write.
Mixing of high and low level functions is not normally recommended.
#include <stdio.h>
int fd;
fd = fileno(stderr);
printf("The file handle for stderr is %d\n",fd);
fd = fileno(stdaux);
printf("The file handle for stdaux is %d\n",fd);
fd = fileno(stdprn);
printf("The file handle for stdprn is %d\n",fd);
Return Value
fileno returns the file descriptor. There is no error return.
See Also: fopen freopen
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