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X-Hacker.org- CA-Clipper/ExoSpace 1.0g - <b>dos 5.0 task switcher</b>
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DOS 5.0 Task Switcher
If you use EMM386 and HIMEM.SYS, you should be able to run multiple
CA-Clipper/ExoSpace applications under the DOS 5 task switcher,
DOSSHELL, without any problems.
When you use other memory managers (like QEMM or 386MAX), the DOS 5 task
switcher takes all the XMS memory, leaving none for the memory manager.
To avoid this problem, set the options that reserve EMS memory for the
memory manager:
. With QEMM, set the EMB parameter to indicate the maximum
amount of XMS memory that will be available to the task switcher
. With 386MAX, set the EMS or the EXT option to indicate the
amount of EMS memory that the memory manager will control
If you do not use a memory manager with DOS 5.0, use the
CA-Clipper/ExoSpace utility MULTI16M to allow more than one
CA-Clipper/ExoSpace application to run under the task switcher.
MULTI16M is a TSR that you execute before any CA-Clipper/ExoSpace
programs to create a pool of memory for CA-Clipper/ExoSpace programs.
Without this TSR, the first CA-Clipper/ExoSpace application takes all
available memory, and the second will not get any memory.
This table summarizes the requirements for running CA-Clipper/ExoSpace
programs with the task switcher:
Memory Manager Requirement for Success
386MAX Use EMS or EXT parameter
EMM386 + HIMEM Defaults should work
HIMEM alone Use MULTI16M
QEMM Use EMB parameter
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