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If AX=0000h when a function returns and the high bit of BL is set,

BL=     80h if the function is not implemented
        81h if a VDISK device is detected
        82h if an A20 error occurs
        8Eh if a general driver error occurs
        8Fh if an unrecoverable driver error occurs
        90h if the HMA does not exist
        91h if the HMA is already in use
        92h if DX is less than the /HMAMIN= parameter
        93h if the HMA is not allocated
        94h if the A20 line is still enabled
        A0h if all extended memory is allocated
        A1h if all available extended memory handles are in use
        A2h if the handle is invalid
        A3h if the SourceHandle is invalid
        A4h if the SourceOffset is invalid
        A5h if the DestHandle is invalid
        A6h if the DestOffset is invalid
        A7h if the Length is invalid
        A8h if the move has an invalid overlap
        A9h if a parity error occurs
        AAh if the block is not locked
        ABh if the block is locked
        ACh if the block's lock count overflows
        ADh if the lock fails
        B0h if a smaller UMB is available
        B1h if no UMBs are available
        B2h if the UMB segment number is invalid

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