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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Win 2 API - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 BITMAP               Bitmap Structure
 CATCHBUF             Buffer For Catch() And Throw()
 COMSTAT              Structure Filled In By GetCommError
 CREATESTRUCT         Create A Window Structure
 DCB                  Device Control Block
 DLGTEMPLATE          Structure For Indirect Functions
 EVENTMSG             Message structure used in journaling
 LOGBRUSH             Logical Brush Structure
 LOGFONT              Logical Font Structure
 LOGPEN               Logical Pen Structure
 MENUITEMTEMPLATE     Structure For LoadMenuIndirect
 MSG                  Message Structure
 OFSTRUCT             Structure For OpenFile()
 PAINTSTRUCT          Filled in by BeginPaint function.
 POINT                Point Structure
 RECT                 Rectangle Structure
 TEXTMETRICS           Text Metrics Structure
 WNDCLASS             Window Class

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