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The following functions in the C/C++ library directly or indirectly make use
of operating system functions.  They cannot be used on systems that are not
running on one of the DOS, OS/2 or Windows NT operating systems.

abort               access              assert              bdos
   _beginthread        _bios_disk          _bios_equiplist
    _bios_keybrd        _bios_memsize       _bios_printer
      _bios_serialcom     _bios_timeofday     calloc              cgets
    chdir               chmod               chsize
             clearerr            clock               close
              closedir            cprintf             cputs
              creat               cscanf              ctime
              cwait               delay               _dos_allocmem
      _dos_close          _dos_creat          _dos_creatnew
      _dos_findfirst      _dos_findnext       _dos_freemem
       _dos_getdate        _dos_getdiskfree    _dos_getdrive
      _dos_getfileattr    _dos_getftime       _dos_gettime
       _dos_getvect        _dos_keep           _dos_open           _dos_read
          _dos_setblock       _dos_setdate        _dos_setdrive
      _dos_setfileattr    _dos_setftime       _dos_settime
       _dos_setvect        _dos_write          dosexterr           dup
    dup2                _endthread          eof
                execl (1)           execle (1)          execlp (1)
         execlpe (1)         execv (1)           execve (1)          execvp
(1)          execvpe (1)         exit                _exit
              fclose              fcloseall           fdopen
             feof                ferror              fflush
             _ffree              _fheapchk           _fheapgrow (1)
     _fheapmin           _fheapset           _fheapshrink        _fheapwalk
fgetc               fgetpos             fgets
              filelength          fileno              flushall
           _fmalloc            fopen               fprintf             fputc
              fputs               fread               _frealloc
          free                freopen             fscanf              fseek
fsetpos             fstat
ftell               fwrite              getc                getch    getchar
            getche              getcmd              getcwd
             getenv              getpid              gets
               halloc              _heapchk            _heapgrow
          _heapmin            _heapset            _heapshrink
        _heapwalk           hfree               intdos              intdosx
isatty              kbhit               localtime           lock
               locking             lseek               _makepath
          malloc              mkdir               mktime              _nfree
             _nheapchk           _nheapgrow          _nheapmin
          _nheapset           _nheapshrink        _nheapwalk
         _nmalloc            _nrealloc           nosound             open
opendir             perror              printf
             putc                putch               putchar
            putenv              puts                raise               read
               readdir             realloc             remove
             rename              rewind              rmdir
              sbrk                scanf               _searchenv
         setbuf              setmode             setvbuf             signal
sleep               sopen               sound
              spawnl              spawnle             spawnlp
            spawnlpe            spawnv              spawnve
            spawnvp             spawnvpe            _splitpath          stat
               strftime            system              tell
               time                tmpfile             tmpnam
             tzset               umask               ungetc
             ungetch             unlink              unlock
             utime               vfprintf            vfscanf
            vprintf             vscanf              wait

     * (1) 16-bit libraries

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