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Assertion failed:  %s, file %s, line %d

    This message is displayed whenever an assertion that you have made in
    your program is not true.

Stack Overflow!

    Your program is trying to use more stack space than is available.  If
    you believe that your program is correct, you can increase the size of
    the stack by using the "option stack=nnnn" when you link the program.
     The stack size can also be specified with the "k" option if you are
    using WCL or WCL386.

Floating-point support not loaded

    You have called one of the printf functions with a format of "%e", "%f",
    or "%g", but have not passed a floating-point value.  The compiler
    generates a reference to the variable "_fltused_" whenever you pass a
    floating-point value to a function.  During the linking phase, the extra
    floating-point formatting routines will also be brought into your
    application when "_fltused_" is referenced.  Otherwise, you only get the
    non floating-point formatting routines.

*** NULL assignment detected

    This message is displayed if any of the first 32 bytes of your program's
    data segment has been modified.  The check is performed just before your
    program exits to the operating system.  All this message means is that
    sometime during the execution of your program, this memory was modified.

    To find the problem, you must link your application with debugging
    information and use Watcom Debugger to monitor its execution.  First,
    run the application with Watcom Debugger until it completes.  Examine
    the first 16 bytes of the data segment ("examine __nullarea") and press
    the space bar to see the next 16 bytes.  Any values that are not equal
    to '01' have been modified.  Reload the application, set watch points on
    the modified locations, and start execution.  Watcom Debugger will stop
    when the specified location(s) change in value.

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