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It is not the intention of this chapter to describe assembly-language
programming in any detail.  You should consult a book that deals with this
topic.  However, we present a list of the directives, opcodes and register
names that are recognized by the assembler built into the compiler's
auxiliary pragma processor.

     .8086     .186      .286      .286c     .286p     .386
     .386p     .486      .486p     .586      .586p     .8087
     .287      .387      aaa       aad       aam       aas
     adc       add       ah        al        and       arpl
     ax        bh        bl        bound     bp        bsf
     bsr       bswap     bt        btc       btr       bts
     bx        byte      call      callf     cbw       cdq
     ch        cl        clc       cld       cli       clts
     cmc       cmp       cmps      cmpsb     cmpsd     cmpsw
     cmpxchg   cmpxchg8b cpuid     cr0       cr2       cr3
     cr4       cs        cwd       cwde      cx        daa
     das       db        dd        dec       df        dh
     di        div       dl        dp        dr0       dr1
     dr2       dr3       dr6       dr7       ds        dup
     dw        dword     dx        eax       ebp       ebx
     ecx       edi       edx       enter     es        esi
     esp       f2xm1     fabs      fadd      faddp     far
     fbld      fbstp     fchs      fclex     fcom      fcomp
     fcompp    fcos      fdecstp   fdisi     fdiv      fdivp
     fdivr     fdivrp    feni      ffree     fiadd     ficom
     ficomp    fidiv     fidivr    fild      fimul     fincstp
     finit     fist      fistp     fisub     fisubr    fld
     fld1      fldcw     fldenv    fldenvd   fldenvw   fldl2e
     fldl2t    fldlg2    fldln2    fldpi     fldz      fmul
     fmulp     fnclex    fndisi    fneni     fninit    fnop
     fnrstor   fnrstord  fnrstorw  fnsave    fnsaved   fnsavew
     fnstcw    fnstenv   fnstenvd  fnstenvw  fnstsw    fpatan
     fprem     fprem1    fptan     frndint   frstor    frstord
     frstorw   fs        fsave     fsaved    fsavew    fscale
     fsetpm    fsin      fsincos   fsqrt     fst       fstcw
     fstenv    fstenvd   fstenvw   fstp      fstsw     fsub
     fsubp     fsubr     fsubrp    ftst      fucom     fucomp
     fucompp   fwait     fword     fxam      fxch      fxtract
     fyl2x     fyl2xp1   gs        hlt       idiv      imul
     in        inc       ins       insb      insd      insw
     int       into      invd      invlpg    iret      iretd

     ja        jae       jb        jbe       jc        jcxz
     je        jecxz     jg        jge       jl        jle
     jmp       jmpf      jna       jnae      jnb       jnbe
     jnc       jne       jng       jnge      jnl       jnle
     jno       jnp       jns       jnz       jo        jp
     jpe       jpo       js        jz        lahf      lar
     lds       lea       leave     les       lfs       lgdt
     lgs       lidt      lldt      lmsw      lock      lods
     lodsb     lodsd     lodsw     loop      loope     loopne
     loopnz    loopz     lsl       lss       ltr       mov
     movs      movsb     movsd     movsw     movsx     movzx
     mul       near      neg       no87      nop       not
     offset    or        out       outs      outsb     outsd
     outsw     pop       popa      popad     popf      popfd
     ptr       push      pusha     pushad    pushf     pushfd
     pword     qword     rcl       rcr       rdmsr     rdtsc
     rep       repe      repne     repnz     repz      ret
     retf      retn      rol       ror       rsm       sahf
     sal       sar       sbb       scas      scasb     scasd
     scasw     seg       seta      setae     setb      setbe
     setc      sete      setg      setge     setl      setle
     setna     setnae    setnb     setnbe    setnc     setne
     setng     setnge    setnl     setnle    setno     setnp
     setns     setnz     seto      setp      setpe     setpo
     sets      setz      sgdt      shl       shld      short
     shr       shrd      si        sidt      sldt      smsw
     sp        ss        st        stc       std       sti
     stos      stosb     stosd     stosw     str       sub
     tbyte     test      tr3       tr4       tr5       tr6
     tr7       verr      verw      wait      wbinvd    word
     wrmsr     xadd      xchg      xlat      xlatb     xor

A separate assembler is also included with this product and is described in
the Watcom C/C++ Tools User's Guide

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