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    #include <graph.h>
    void _FAR _setfillmask( char _FAR *mask );

    The _setfillmask function sets the current fill mask to the value of the
    argument mask.  When the value of the mask argument is NULL, there will
    be no fill mask set.

    The fill mask is an eight-byte array which is interpreted as a square
    pattern (8 by 8) of 64 bits.  Each bit in the mask corresponds to a
    pixel.  When a region is filled, each point in the region is mapped onto
    the fill mask.  When a bit from the mask is one, the pixel value of the
    corresponding point is set using the current plotting action with the
    current color; when the bit is zero, the pixel value of that point is
    not affected.

    When the fill mask is not set, a fill operation will set all points in
    the fill region to have a pixel value of the current color.  By default,
    no fill mask is set.

    The _setfillmask function does not return a value.

See Also:
    _getfillmask, _ellipse, _ellipse_w, _ellipse_wxy, _floodfill, _floodfill_w, _rectangle, _rectangle_w, _rectangle_wxy, _polygon, _polygon_w, _polygon_wxy, _pie, _pie_w, _pie_wxy,
    _setcolor, _setplotaction

    #include <conio.h>
    #include <graph.h>

    char old_mask[ 8 ];
    char new_mask[ 8 ] = { 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18,
                           0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x81 };

        _setvideomode( _VRES16COLOR );
        _getfillmask( old_mask );
        _setfillmask( new_mask );
        _rectangle( _GFILLINTERIOR, 100, 100, 540, 380 );
        _setfillmask( old_mask );
        _setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE );

    produces the following:

    The graphical image cannot be reproduced here. See the printed
    version of the manual.

    PC Graphics

    DOS, QNX

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