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X-Hacker.org- Watcom C Library Reference - <u>synopsis:</u>
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#include <dos.h>
unsigned _dos_creat( char *path,
unsigned attribute,
int *handle );
The _dos_creat function uses system call 0x3C to create a new file named
path, with the access attributes specified by attribute. The handle for
the new file is returned in the word pointed to by handle. If the file
already exists, the contents will be erased, and the attributes of the
file will remain unchanged. The possible values for attribute are:
Attribute Meaning
Indicates a normal file. File can be read or written without any
Indicates a read-only file. File cannot be opened for "write".
Indicates a hidden file. This file will not show up in a normal
directory search.
Indicates a system file. This file will not show up in a normal
directory search.
The _dos_creat function returns zero if successful. Otherwise, it
returns an MS-DOS error code and sets errno to one of the following
Constant Meaning
Access denied because the directory is full, or the file exists and
cannot be overwritten.
No more handles available, (too many open files)
Path or file not found
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
void main()
int handle;
if( _dos_creat( "file", _A_NORMAL, &handle ) != 0 ){
printf( "Unable to create file\n" );
} else {
printf( "Create succeeded\n" );
_dos_close( handle );
DOS, Windows, Win386, Win32, OS/2 1.x(all), OS/2-32, DOS/PM
See Also:
creat, _dos_creatnew, _dos_open, open
See Also: _dos_creatnew _dos_open
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