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    #include <bios.h>
    unsigned short _bios_keybrd( unsigned service );

    The _bios_keybrd function uses INT 0x16 to access the BIOS keyboard
    services.  The possible values for service are the following constants:

    Constant     Meaning

    Reads the next character from the keyboard.  The function will wait
    until a character has been typed.

    Checks to see if a character has been typed.  If there is one, then its
    value will be returned, but it is not removed from the input buffer.

    Returns the current state of special keys.

    Reads the next character from an enhanced keyboard.  The function will
    wait until a character has been typed.

    Checks to see if a character has been typed on an enhanced keyboard.  If
    there is one, then its value will be returned, but it is not removed
    from the input buffer.

    Returns the current state of special keys on an enhanced keyboard.

    The return value depends on the service requested.

    The  _KEYBRD_READ and  _NKEYBRD_READ services return the character's
    ASCII value in the low-order byte and the character's keyboard scan code
    in the high-order byte.

    The  _KEYBRD_READY and  _NKEYBRD_READY services return zero if there was
    no character available, otherwise it returns the same value returned by

    The shift status is returned in the low-order byte with one bit for each
    special key defined as follows:

    Bit     Meaning

bit 0 (0x01)
    Right SHIFT key is pressed

bit 1 (0x02)
    Left SHIFT key is pressed

bit 2 (0x04)
    CTRL key is pressed

bit 3 (0x08)
    ALT key is pressed

bit 4 (0x10)
    SCROLL LOCK is on

bit 5 (0x20)
    NUM LOCK is on

bit 6 (0x40)
    CAPS LOCK is on

bit 7 (0x80)
    Insert mode is set

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <bios.h>

    void main()
        unsigned short key_state;

        key_state = _bios_keybrd( _KEYBRD_SHIFTSTATUS );
        if( key_state & 0x10 )
            printf( "SCROLL LOCK is on\n" );
        if( key_state & 0x20 )
            printf( "NUM LOCK is on\n" );
        if( key_state & 0x40 )
            printf( "CAPS LOCK is on\n" );

    produces the following:

    NUM LOCK is on


    DOS, Windows, Win386

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