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    The Break Menu
    The Break Window
    The I/O Ports Window
    Variable and Watch Windows
    Watcom Debugger Expression Handling

New Symbols menu item

Next menu item
    The Search Menu
    The Window Menu

Next Sequential menu item

NLM, debugging Novell

NLM, showing list of

NMP (Named Pipes)

NOCHarremap option

NOExports option


NOFpu option

NOGraphicsmouse option

NOInvoke option

NOMouse option

NOSymbols option

NOV (Novell SPX)


Novell NLM, debugging

Novell SPX remote debugging

null modem wiring

On Debug Message menu item

On Help menu item

On Image Load...  menu item

on top

Once argument

Open menu item

Operating System Specifics

Operators for the C Grammar

Operators for the C++ Grammar

Operators for the FORTRAN Grammar

option, Bell

Options menu item

options, Assembly window

options, CHecksize

options, Color

options, Colour

options, COlumns
    Common Switches
    QNX Options

options, Console

options, default
    WD Environment Variable
    WD Environment Variable in QNX

options, dialog

options, DIp

options, DOwnload

options, DYnamic

options, Ega43

options, Fastswap

options, File window

options, Functions window

options, Globals window

options, Invoke

options, LInes

options, LOcalinfo

options, Modules window

options, Monochrome

options, NOCHarremap

options, NOExports

options, NOFpu

options, NOGraphicsmouse

options, NOInvoke

options, NOMouse

options, NOSymbols

options, Overwrite

options, Page

options, REMotefiles

options, setting

options, Swap

options, TRap

options, Two

options, Variables window

options, Vga50

options, Watches window

options, XConfig

Options/Expand 'this, menu, item'

Options/Whole Expression menu item


OS/2 exception handler

OS/2, remote debugging



Overwrite option

Page option


PAint command

PAR (Parallel)

parallel port remote debugging

Parallel Port Wiring Considerations

parallel port, wiring

parameters, changing

PATH environment variable
    Common Switches
    Debugging DOS/4G(W) 32-bit DOS Extender Applications
    Debugging Phar Lap 32-bit DOS Extender Applications
    PAR (Parallel)
    SER (Serial)
    WIN (Windows 3.x/95 Virtual DOS Machine)

PATH, environment variable


Phar Lap Software, Inc
    Debugging 32-bit DOS Extender Applications
    Predefined Symbols

Phar Lap Software, Inc, RUN386.EXE

Phar Lap Software, Inc, TNT.EXE

platforms supported




pointer, display as array

pointer, display as string

pointer, display value

pointer, follow

pointer, follow in memory

pointer, show as array

pointer, show code at

pointer, show memory at

postmortem dump, QNX

Predefined Debugger Variables

predefined symbol, dbg$32

predefined symbol, dbg$bp

predefined symbol, dbg$code

predefined symbol, dbg$cpu

predefined symbol, dbg$ctid

predefined symbol, dbg$data

predefined symbol, dbg$etid

predefined symbol, dbg$fpu

predefined symbol, dbg$ip

predefined symbol, dbg$loaded

predefined symbol, dbg$monitor

predefined symbol, dbg$nil

predefined symbol, dbg$os

predefined symbol, dbg$pid

predefined symbol, dbg$psp

predefined symbol, dbg$radix

predefined symbol, dbg$remote

predefined symbol, dbg$sp

predefined symbol, dbg$src

Predefined Symbols

Preparing a Program to be Debugged

Previous menu item
    The Memory and Stack Windows
    The Search Menu

Primary Expression Operators for the C Grammar

Primary Expression Operators for the FORTRAN Grammar

Print (or ?)

Print (or ?) command

program, arguments

program, interrupting

program, preparing for debugging

program, restarting
    The File Menu
    The Run Menu

program, running to specified address

    Predefined Symbols

QNX Options

QNX Software Systems Ltd

QNX, customization

QNX, debugging


Quit command

Radix, default

Radix, setting

Raw Memory menu item

Read menu item

Real Constants


RECord command

recording debug session

Recursive functions, tracing over

Redo menu item


Register Aggregates

Register command

Register Pop-up menu, Extended

Register Pop-up menu, Hex

Register Pop-up menu, Inspect

Register Pop-up menu, Modify


Registers menu item

registers, control word

registers, cw

registers, displaying 32-bit

registers, displaying in decimal

registers, displaying memory

registers, examining

registers, flags

registers, floating point

registers, modifying

registers, st0 - st7

registers, status word

registers, sw

Relational Operators for the C Grammar

Relational Operators for the FORTRAN Grammar

REMark (or *)

REMark (or *) command

Remote Debugging

remote debugging, Novell SPX

remote debugging, Once argument

remote debugging, over parallel port

remote debugging, over serial port

remote debugging, parallel port wiring

remote debugging, serial port wiring

remote debugging, with Internet Protocol

remote debugging, with Named Pipes

remote debugging, with OS/2

remote debugging, with TCP/IP

remote debugging, with Windows

remote debugging, with Windows NT

remote file operations

Remote File Operations (DOS, OS/2 Only)

remote file specifier prefix, @R

remote trap files

REMotefiles option

Remove Directory - RMDIR, RD

Rename - RENAME, REN

Repeat menu item


Replay menu item

Replay Pop-up menu, Assembly

Replay Pop-up menu, Goto

Replay Pop-up menu, Source

Replay, window

replaying debug session

Resizing Windows


Restart menu item

restarting program

Restore menu item
    The Break Menu
    The Run Menu

restoring debug session

resuming execution

return to caller

Reverse Execution

reverse execution, over call

reverse execution, over simple statement

Rewind Stack menu item

RFX Commands

RFX Sample Session

RFX see also, remote file operations

RFX utility program

RFX, running

Right menu item



Run menu

Run menu, Debug Startup

Run menu, Execute to

Run menu, Go

Run menu, Next Sequential

Run menu, Restart

Run menu, Restore

Run menu, Run to Cursor

Run menu, Save

Run menu, Skip to Cursor

Run menu, Step Over

Run menu, Trace Into

Run menu, Until Return

Run to Cursor menu item
    The Run Menu
    The Source Window

run, to cursor position

run, until function entered

run, until loop completes

run, until return


Save menu item
    The Break Menu
    The Run Menu

Save Setup menu item

saving debug session

Scope Operator "::" for the C++ Grammar::

screen, number of columns

screen, number of lines
    Common Switches
    DOS and Windows Options

scroll bars

Search menu item

Search menu, All Modules

Search menu, Find

Search menu, Match

Search menu, Next

Search menu, Previous

Search Order for Watcom Debugger Support Files under QNX

search order, QNX

search, entering strings

search, ignoring case


searching, ignoring case

searching, incrementally

Segment Follow menu item

selecting text

SER (Serial)

serial port remote debugging

serial port wiring

Serial Port Wiring Considerations

service name, tcplink


Set command

Set Current Drive - drive::

Set LAnguage

Setting Simple Breakpoints

    Debugger Settings
    The File Menu

settings, automatic saving of

settings, saving


    The Accelerator Window

shortcuts, for menu items

shortcuts, for pop-up menu


Show All menu item

SHow command

Show menu item

SHow Set LAnguage
    Character Constant (C Only)
    Complex Constant (FORTRAN Only)
    Watcom Debugger Expression Handling

Show/Address menu item
    The Assembly Window
    The Source Window

Show/Assembly menu item

Show/Functions menu item
    The Assembly Window
    The Source Window

Show/Line menu item

Show/Module menu item

Show/Module...  menu item

Show/Pointer Code menu item

Show/Pointer Memory menu item

Show/Raw Memory menu item

Show/Source menu item

Show/Type menu item


Signed menu item

Simplified Breakpoints


SKip command

Skip to Cursor menu item

skipping code

socket port number

socket port number, default

source code, displaying line number

source code, examining a module

source code, examining at address

source code, going to line number

source code, locating

Source menu item
    Common Menu Items
    The Break Window
    The Code Menu
    The Functions Window
    The Modules Window
    The Replay Window

Source Path menu item

Source Pop-up menu, Break

Source Pop-up menu, Enter Function

Source Pop-up menu, Find

Source Pop-up menu, Home

Source Pop-up menu, Inspect

Source Pop-up menu, Run to Cursor

Source Pop-up menu, Show/Address

Source Pop-up menu, Show/Assembly

Source Pop-up menu, Show/Functions

Source Pop-up menu, Show/Line

Source Pop-up menu, Show/Module

Source Pop-up menu, Watch

source, locating files

Source, window


Special Unary Operators for the C Grammar

Special Unary Operators for the FORTRAN Grammar

Specifying Files on Remote and Local Machines

Stack menu item

Stack Unwinding

stack, display

Stack, window

STackpos <intexpr>

STackpos <intexpr> command

Starting Up the Debugger

Status, window

Step Over menu item

stepping, into calls

stepping, over calls

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