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Other WarpLink Features

 WarpLink supports several additional features that are useful for 
 advanced-level programmers.  They are:  the $$_COM_END internal linker
 variable, the $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE internal variable, support for custom
 overlay manager error handler and overlay file manipulation, and support
 for small model code overlaying plus overlay-to-root vectoring.

 The $$_COM_END Variable

 An age-old problem in the way DOS deals with .COM files is the decision to
 leave memory management up to the .COM file.  When an .EXE file loads, DOS
 allocates to it only the memory it requests automatically. When a .COM file
 loads, all available memory is allocated to it. In most situations, the DOS
 memory allocation procedure for a .EXE file is preferred over that for a
 .COM file because other programs, such as TSRs, can make use of the memory
 the .COM file does not need. $$_COM_END is a predefined public symbol that
 your program can use for just that purpose.

 $$_COM_END is a symbol which represents the linker-computed quantity of 
 memory that is required by the code and data segments of your program.  
 Declare it as an EXTRN in your program and use it with INT 21h function 4Ah
 to deallocate all except the amount computed, plus whatever stack you need.  
 $$_COM_END does consume 2 bytes for storage.  Therefore a .COM file is two 
 bytes larger than normal if you declare $$_COM_END as an external.  If 
 $$_COM_END is declared as public, the linker assumes that you wish to use
 the variable name for your own purposes and does not treat $$_COM_END as a
 special variable.

 $$_COM_END automatically adjusts for the Program Segment Prefix (PSP) size
 of 256 bytes when computing the required memory.

 $$_COM_END depends upon the first object module that contains a class 'CODE'
 segment (typically _TEXT) to have the segment listed as the very first 
 SEGDEF (segment definition) record.  Most languages that support .COM files
 do this automatically.

----------------------------------[ Example ]------------------------------------

 The following an assembly language code fragment shows sample use of the
 $$_COM_END variable to reduce the .COM file memory requirements:

 MOV AX, $$_COM_END     ; Get program size.
 ADD AX, STACKSIZE      ; Add stack.
 TEST AL,1              ; Check if odd byte-aligned stack
 JE @@EVEN              ; No: even byte alignment.
 INC AX                 ; Yes it's odd.  Bump one.
 MOV SP, AX             ; Initial stack = program size + stack size
 SHR AX, 1              ; vide AX by 16.
 SHR AX, 1
 SHR AX, 1
 SHR AX, 1
 INC AX                 ; Round up a paragraph.
 MOV BX, AX             ; BX = new size of memory block in paragraphs
 MOV AH, 4AH            ; Resize Memory Block, ES=PSP
 INT 21H                ; Returns w/ CF=1 on error.
 JNC @@NOERROR          ; If CF=0, all is well.
 MOV AX, 4CH            ; Error, exit to DOS
 INT 21H                ; via function 4Ch.
 ...                    ; Success.

 The $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE Variable

 If public symbol $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE is declared and the program is linked
 without the /c option (therefore producing an .EXE file), WarpLink will
 place the doubleword load image size of the file in the $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE
 symbol.  WarpLink will not create the symbol if it is not declared.  This
 feature is roughly analogous to the $$_COM_END variable created when the
 /c option is used.   However, it takes into account the more complex 
 nature of .EXE files.

 You must allocate at least four bytes for the variable $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE. 
 Otherwise, WarpLink will write beyond the bounds of the variable, possibly
 causing program malfunction.  Variable space is not automatically added to
 the program by the linker as is done with the $$_COM_END variable.

 Using the $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE variable provides the capability to easily
 determine the end of a program in memory in order to free up excess memory
 for DOS or for other programming purposes.

----------------------------------[ Example ]------------------------------------

 The following assembly language code fragment shows sample use of the
 $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE variable to shrink the memory allocated to the program 
 to its minimum load size:

 MOV BX,WORD PTR $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE               ; load image size low word
 MOV DX,WORD PTR $$_EXE_IMAGE_SIZE+2             ; load image size high word
 ADD BX,15    ; round up to next paragraph
 ADC DX,0     ; carry to high word
 SHR DX,1     ; convert to paragraph count
 RCR BX,1     ; /2
 RCR BX,1     ; /4
 RCR BX,1     ; /8
 RCR BX,1     ; /16, bx holds paragraphs of load image size
 ADD BX,10H   ; adjust for Program Segment Prefix size
 MOV AH,4aH   ; resize memory block, es -> PSP
 INT 21H

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