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name            xatgetc  --  Place an entry in input queue

synopsis        c = xatgetc(row,col,fld,pic,val,msg,help,act,nact,
                COUNT c;       0 if ok else -1
                COUNT row,col; row and column for input
                TEXT fld;     pointer to field to place input
                TEXT pic;     pointer to picture to use for input
                PFI val;       pointer to validation function
                TEXT msg;     pointer to status line message

                TEXT help;    poin ter to help string
                COUNT act;     attribute for active get
                COUNT nact;    attribute for non active get
                COUNT width;   max display width, or DEFAULT
                COUNT control; control word
                VCSELSET lst; pointer to selection set or NULL

description  This function enters an entry into a get table to
           be read at a later time and displays the entry on
           the screen. Xatget and xatgetc are essentially
           the same, except that xatgetc uses 3 additional
           parameters "width", "control", and "lst".

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