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X-Hacker.org- Turbo C++ Class Library Definition - #ifndef __deque_h
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#ifndef __DEQUE_H
#define __DEQUE_H
// This file contains proprietary information of Borland International.
// Copying or reproduction without prior written approval is prohibited.
// Copyright (c) 1990
// Borland International
// 1800 Scotts Valley Dr.
// Scotts Valley, CA 95066
// (408) 438-8400
// Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Deque
// Description
// Defines the class Deque.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interface Dependencies ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __IOSTREAM_H
#include <iostream.h>
#define __IOSTREAM_H
#ifndef __CLSTYPES_H
#include <clstypes.h>
#ifndef __OBJECT_H
#include <object.h>
#ifndef __CONTAIN_H
#include <contain.h>
#ifndef __DBLLIST_H
#include <dbllist.h>
// End Interface Dependencies ------------------------------------------------
// Class //
class Deque: public Container
virtual ~Deque();
Object& peekLeft() const { return theDeque.peekAtHead(); }
Object& peekRight() const { return theDeque.peekAtTail(); }
Object& getLeft();
Object& getRight();
void putLeft( Object& o )
{ theDeque.addAtHead( o ); itemsInContainer++; }
void putRight( Object& o )
{ theDeque.addAtTail( o ); itemsInContainer++; }
virtual ContainerIterator& initIterator() const;
ContainerIterator& initReverseIterator() const;
virtual classType isA() const;
virtual char *nameOf() const;
virtual hashValueType hashValue() const;
DoubleList theDeque;
// Description -------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines the container class Deque. A deque is a double-ended queue.
// You may inspect, add, and remove elements at either end of the
// deque.
// Public Members
// peekLeft
// Returns a reference to the object at the left end of the deque.
// The object is still owned by the deque.
// peekRight
// Returns a reference to the object at the right end of the deque.
// The object is still owned by the deque.
// putLeft
// Enqueues an object at the left end.
// putRight
// Enqueues an object at the right end.
// getLeft
// Dequeues an object from the left end.
// getRight
// Dequeues an object from the right end.
// initIterator
// Left-to-right Deque iterator initializer.
// initReverseIterator
// Right-to-left Deque iterator initializer.
// isA
// Returns the class type for a deque.
// nameOf
// Returns a pointer to the character string "Deque."
// hashValue
// Returns a pre-defined value for deques.
// Inherited Members
// Deque( Deque& )
// Copy constructor. Inherited from Container.
// isEmpty
// Inherited from Container.
// isEqual
// Inherited from Container.
// forEach
// Inherited from Container.
// firstThat
// Inherited from Container.
// lastThat
// Inherited from Container.
// getItemsInContainer
// Inherited from Container.
// printOn
// Inherited from Container.
// printHeader
// Inherited from Container.
// printSeparator
// Inherited from Container.
// printTrailer
// Inherited from Container.
// Private Members
// theDeque
// The implementation of the deque.
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // ifndef __DEQUE_H //
See Also: dbllist.h contain.h object.h clstypes.h Deque
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